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Upgrading ECoS Firmware

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Just in case it might still to useful to someone, here's the notes that I posted on the old version of RMWeb on how to update the ECoS firmware from version 1.1.3 or lower to version 3.0.0.


The upgrades are only available from the ESU Users forum. You have to register on that forum before you can see the ECoS downloads.


If your ECoS is still on firmware version 1.0.0 you must upgrade it to version 1.0.5 which at the date this was written is still available for download from the ESU Users Forum. To do that follow the instructions in Section 20 of the ECoS manual 2nd edition March 2007.


These notes were written whilst I was doing the upgrade to my own ECoS in April 2009, going from 1.1.2 to 3.0.0. It took 10 minutes and went without a hitch. I had been through the relevant bits of the german release notes first with a copy of Babelfish. There is now an english copy of the release notes also available for download from ESU's Forum.


I had previously upgraded my ECoS from version 1.1.11 to 1.1.12 so I had been through the upgrade process already so had a reasonable idea of how it worked. But ESU's release notes for the 2.5.1 + 3.0.0 release notes are general and do not provide step by step guidance.


When I did my upgrade, my ECoS was completely disconnected from the layout and from all peripherals. From comments on the ESU forum complete disconnection from everyting apart from the network cable to your PC or router and the power supply seems to reduce the chances of the upgrade failing.


This post was updated shortly after I first posted with some points that Dagworth raised with me, you can see them later in this thread. I have edited this post to include them, thanks for your input Andi.


The process for me was:


1. Download the 3.0.0 ZIP file "ECoS_update_3-0-0_complete_01.zip" and save it on your PC. There are 3 files in there:


ECoS_rescue-update_2-5-1.bci - This ones the 1st stage of the process

ECoS_update_3-0-0.bci - This ones the 2nd stage ofthe process

3-0-0_Kurzanleitung.pdf - This is the release notes, but there all in german, unfortunately.


2. Unzip the Zip file, XP might let you do it but if not you'll need WinZip, and save each of the three files on your PC. I have a directory set up just for ESU downloads.


3. Plug Network cable into the ECoS. If you have a hub use a normal Cat5e cable, otherwise you will have to use what is known as a Cat 5e crossover cable. Next plug in the ECoS's power. That's the last thing you do using the ECoS itself. Everything else is via your PC.


4. On your PC Point Internet Explorer at the ECoS's IP address, and you now see the ECoS's own web page on yout PC screen.


5. Click on the Union Jack for English. Then on Home


I noted down the info on screen, particularly the IP address, in case I might need it if anything went wrong.


6. Click on Save Configuration to save all your routes etc. and decide where you want to save the file on your PC and follow the instructions on your PC same as you would for saving any Internet download.


7. Next click on Firmware update. The PC will now show a warning message that you update at your own risk. It will also show you a dialog box with a browse button.


8. Click on the browse button and find the file "ECoS_rescue-update_2-5-1.bci".


9. Click on Send. The ECoS's screen will now show "Updating Software Do not Unplug". It will then show Installing Rescue system Please Wait.


Your PC will now show Page Cannot be displayed. Do not worry, this is because the ECoS is not showing it's web page to the PC because it is updating itself.


The ECoS will reboot automatically, the same way as your PC does when you install a Windows security patch.


10. The ECoS screen will next show a puffing steam loco which is its way of saying please wait. After a minute ot two it will then show you the Rescue Mode screen, with its IP address above it. For me this was the same IP address as the one I noted down at the start. If it is just Click the Refresh button on your browser, its the one with the double arrows. If it's not, then enter the IP address in your browser as http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Do not include leading zeros. For example if your ECoS's IP address is you enter it exactly like that not as


You should now see the ECoS own web page again. This time it will only have three options: Navigation, Stat and Firmware Update.


11. Click on Firmware Update.


12. The PC will now show a warning message that you update at your own risk. It will also show you a dialog box with a browse button. click on the browse button and find the file "ECoS_update_3-0-0.bci". Now click on Send.


The PCs screen will show a series of messages. it is actually the ECoS showing what stage it has reached in the Update process.


The ECoS's screen will now show "Updating Software Do not Unplug". It will then reboot, and you'll be in the brave new world of Firmware 3.0.0. In m ycae it came back with the same locos etc as before.


If you then click on the Refresh button on your Pc it will then show you the ECoS Navigation web page. Click on Start and it will show you its new settings, and the second entry down Software Version should now show 3.0.0.


As I don't think you can use a configuration file created with firmware 1.1.3 or earlier, I clicked on Save Configuration and followed the instructions on my PC's screen.


That's all there was for me. I hope your update goes as smoothly.


It does pay to persevere with translating pages 1 & 2 of the release notes just to get the idea of wha tthey're trying to tell you. i hope it makes sense with these notes.



Subsequent Releases.

In May 2009 ESU released the first upgrade to version 3, which was version 3.0.1 which fixed various bugs in 3.0.0.


If you have updated your ECoS firmware to 2.5.1 and then to 3.0.0 you only need to download the subsequent update from the ESU Web site and unzip it as per steps 1 and 2. Next find the bci file starting 3-0-1 and ending .bci from the download and follow steps 3, 4, 5, 6, and then steps 11 and 12. You do not need to install version 2.5.1.


If you have still to upgrade from version 1.1.3 or earlier you must always install version 2.5.1 first. However you can omit version 3.0.0 and go straight to updating with the latest version. The latest download from the ESU web site includes 2.5.1 and 3.0.1 in a single zip file. for those users who didn't upgrade to 3.0.0 in April 2009. If that's you then follow steps 1 t o12 but at step 12 the file that yu'll be sending to the ECoS is called ECoS_update_3-0-1.bci


Never try to send the ZIPped files to the ECoS, It won't understand them.


Please remember that, as ESU says, you upgrade at your own risk, and I can accept no liability if it goes wrong on you if you were following these notes.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Keith, that's really useful.


What does the rescue package actually do? I ask because when I tried to update my ECoS previously it got halfway through and froze. Nothing I could do was able to recover it and my only option was to send it back to Germany. I haven't dared since.


Also do you know if 3.01 allows it to talk to Dynamis ProBox?



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I think I remember you saying at the time that it had gone pear shaped on you.


As far as I know update 2.5.1. sets a base configuration upon which all subsequent firmware sits, I suppose a bit like the way that Windows used to run on top of DOS - Windows could crash but there was always DOS still running underneath. Hopefully the ECoS will be rather more resilient than Windows is.


So once version 2.5.1 has installed successfully, should any later upgrade fail then you invoke rescue mode and then reinstall the version 3 or later upgrade. 2.5.1 is uninstallable, deliberately so I think, so that it cannot be damaged (famous last words). That's why once 2.5.1 is in you can't go back down to 1.1.3.


The english release notes say under troubleshooting:

"In case your ECoS is not accessible via network after the installation of the intermediate update 2.5.1 please disconnect your ECoS from the power supply. The following key combinations (pressed together) will change the network setings of your ECoS:

- Stop Key and Function Key F7 (key right above the stop key) - The ECoS will get the IP address from the DHCP server - [i think that assumes that it is connected to a server/router.]

- Stop key and function key F6 left - Set the ECoS's IP address to netmask

Please keep the keys pressed until the boot process of the ECoS is finished.


In case the update 3.0.0 will not install, this may be caused by the user data. To delete all user data please disconnect the ECoS from the power supply and press the stop key and function key F5 left (third key counting from the bottom). After the installation of software 3.0.0 you may restore your backed up data to the ECoS."


It's not too clear what they mean, but you will have to reconnect the power and then use the key combinations as pressing keys will do nothing if there's no power.


To invoke Rescue mode after you've isuccessfully installed 2.5.1. after a subsequent failed update the release notes say:

"As of version 3.0.0. it is possible to rectivate the ECoS after a failed update without external help. This may be necessary if the ECoS is cut from the power supply during the setup process.


To start this process, the function keys F1 and F6 left (second key counting from bottom and second key counting from top) have to be pressed when connecting the ECoS to the power supply. A corresponding screen will be displayed during the installation process [i.e. the screen seen at step 10 in my notes].


After finishing the installation of the rescue system a software version 3.0.0. or above may be installed via the web interface. It may be necessary to reload the web interfae in your browser. The following key combinations (pressed together) will change the network setings of your ECoS:

- Stop Key and Function Key F7 (key right above the stop key) - The ECoS will get the IP address from the DHCP server - I think that assumes that it is connected to a server/router.

- Stop key and function key F6 left - Set the ECoS's IP address t o192.168.1.151 netmask

Please keep the keys pressed until the boot process of the ECoS is finished.


My notes were literally written as I went along, admittedly with some worries that it might end in tears, but at the time therre were no instructions in english on how to do it.


The only proviso that I omitted from my notes is that the ECoS must have been upgraded beyond version 1.0.0, that's why ESU still have version 1.0.5 to download. I'll go back and add that. My ECoS was completely unplugged from the layout, it had to be as my desktop PC is in a different room and it is easier to take the ECoS to it. That might have made the difference for your upgrade, so I'll also add that.


As regards talking to Dynamis Pro, sadly versions 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 don't ad that fuctionality. I did ask on ESU's own Users Forum after I'd seen your comment about Pro-Box not talking to ECoS, and got the reply that it does not yet do so. They added that the capability will be added in a later upgrade to the ECoS firmware. There has been some talk on the ESU forum about a date for the next ECoS firmware upgrade, but ESU haven't given any timetable nor any indication as to what it will include. However their own sales literature shows Pro-Box connected to ECoS so hopefully they will include it in the next upgrade, whenever that will be.


Hope this helps.

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  • RMweb Gold

Keith, I can't thank you enough....

With the software emailed over to me by Steve at Southwest and being unable to sleep I have just updated my ECoS, it worked first time....


Steve also sent me the upload instruction in english as part of the software zip file.


Now to explore version 3.0.1 :D



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  • 4 weeks later...

For those of you that are interested, ESU has just released version 3.0.2 of the ECoS Firmware. There do not seem to be any release notes with it, and the only change seems to be to fix communication bugs between the ECoS and the newly released ECoScontrol Radio. There is no mention of allowing the ECoS to recognise the Pro Box so presumably that change will be in a future release of the Firmware.

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