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Lochgorm kits - Brass Detail and Building Etches

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First off - I have no affiliation with Lochgorm Kits other than as a satisfied customer.


Some of you may be aware of Lochgorm Kits as a supplier of stock and parts for modelling the Highland Railway. Their website (http://www.lochgormkits.co.uk) has some nice photos of the stock but very little of the detail and building parts. As I am using some of these parts on my layout I thought I'd share how they look as supplied and built up.


Although the parts are based on highland railway examples, they might be useful elsewhere.


Currently on my bench I have :


HLI5 - Killiekrankie Station Windows

HLI16 - Platform Valencing

HLI21 - 6-pane Signal Box windows

HLI22 - 9-pane signal box windows

HLI23 - Platform Footstools

HLI28 - Cross the railway notices

HLI29 - HR/GNoSR Seats


I also have two sample etches for future products (I understand that these are planned for future release):

Platform Valencing - Kyle Of Lochalsh

Canopy Brackets - Kyle Of Lochalsh


I'll try to photograph the bits as I am building them to show how they can be used/built by an average modeller.


First some windows :


HLI5 - Killiekrankie




HLI21 + HLI22 (including loft windows) - I'll be modifying these for use on my station)




Notices :


HLI28 (This sign is around 10mm high!)




Canopy Brackets

Lochgorm produce a variety of different brackets - Northern Maiden has used some of the other ones on her station building Here




I'll post photos of the rest of the items as I get around to building and painting them.


Hope this is of interest to someone.


Andy B)

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