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Tetleys Mills Mk 3


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Despite the best efforts of my local council planning department and ex-members of my Christmas card list / neighbours. WE BEAT THE SYSTEM!

My wife and I have won our appeal to The Secretary of State and have been granted full planning permission for a new and bigger railway room with a further three bedroom house extension attached. Tetleys Mills will therefore be the centre piece of a funeral pyre within the next two years since it cannot be moved and why would I want to? It would only half fill the new railway room so I've already penned Tetleys Mills Mk 3 and despite the promise of a ready to run City of Truro, having thought for all of 3 nano seconds it will be much of the same West Riding grime.


The layout image has been lost somewhere so I'll add it on a 'reply' post, bear with me.


Hopefully I've attached a photographic image of the basic new layout. There is yet no detail of Tetleys Mills terminus nor the Barden Branch terminus area but I think it is about there. The main line will have lots more storage and No grandients The centre piece will be a 13 or 14 foot version of my recent viaduct project with a reverse curve towering 7" or a scale 45' above the town and station of Barden Road. All in all I will have a lot more visible track with a minimum of about 4' radius and a ruling minimum radius of 3' elsewhere, lots more opportunity for Pennine scenery and long slow running coal trains. Since I have no intention of creating a 'lifetime's work' that is in fact, never actually finished in my lifetime I intend saving all of my buildings and structures so with luck and a following wind the new layout will be completed within 12 months of finishing our new house which will be a 2 year project. I will dismantle the layout just before moving in to the new house so I'll be without a railway for a minimum of time. Two years should also be sufficient time to learn what all these 'Blogs' are about but not being a Horney-Thologist I'm staying clear of Twitter and Face Book sounds like something off Crime Watch.







A few images of the now completed viaduct and surrounding area.

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Congratulations Dave.?  :D


Obviously looking forward to the next re-incarnation but feel it only fair to give notice that I'll be starting a petition against total destruction of Mk2. ;)




You're absolutely right, what's more I think now is a great time to start an 'action group' to picket the scene of the crime, in fact I'm so in favour we could arrange the best times to picket, let me see.


Oh yes,


Delivery of oversite concrete, delivery of roof trusses, then the plaster board, oh and laying the brick sett drive.

After that I think Julie and I can manage thanks mate.



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The first photo is superb, as an ex-Upper Calder Valley resident, I think it captures the atmosphere of the Pennine mill towns perfectly. Look forward to seeing the new layout!


Steve Howe



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Will the Mk.III layout have a new name? John Willy Mills, Oldham Brewery Mills or what?wink.gif




I don't mind building a new house and building a new layout will be fun, but.

Cutting out all those new gas lamp mounted name boards, you have to be kidding. So Tetleys Mills it is, although with Lidles offering 500ml bottles of proper beer at ??1 each you could say, "I'm working on it."



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  • 2 weeks later...


good luck with the house building and the new layout, I trust the old Cement Mixer that you inherited along with Julie will be put to good use?

Also if it was to be a new name for MK111 layout hows about L ancaster Mills. I WILL GET MY SHOES AND DEPART towards Woody's.


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good luck with the house building and the new layout, I trust the old Cement Mixer that you inherited along with Julie will be put to good use?

Also if it was to be a new name for MK111 layout hows about L ancaster Mills. I WILL GET MY SHOES AND DEPART towards Woody's.


Cutler 2579 (You can be so cutting)


L'ANCASTER Mills!!!!!!***???


Do you think I'm the only gay in the village?


I was born in Yorkshire, to suggest LANCASTER as a name is tantamount to to heresy! There'll be suggestions I don't weather next, we never had behaviour like this under Thatcher.


Sorry about the ravings but I'm traumatised today. I previously boasted 8" and lost it overnight.


I received the final house plans today for submission for building regs and a previous single skin wall at one end of the railway room has now become a cavity wall so what was 4" is now 12" thick with a net loss of 8" from the space available for Tetleys Mills 3. Back to the drawing board.






A little space filler since I increased the width of the baseboards, another demolition scene which is not an easy option to making a new building.




Rolley and Scoop getting ready for the new build at Ancaster.

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