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Hornby GWR Long Clestory and Kadee's

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Hey All


Just in the process of attempting to update / upgrade some of my coaching stock, and was wondering if anyone has been able to add Kadee couplers to the Hornby GWR Long Clestory coaches?


I am not looking to add them to the bogies, but rather mount them on the underside of the carriage itself. I've had a look and it seems that this can not be done without a fairly large amount of cutting to the undercarriage, including the buffer beam.


Any thoughts or suggestions?


(mods, feel free to move to appropriate section if posted in the wrong spot.)

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I have fitted Keen close couplers to a long clerestory (it involved a lot of hacking of the detail under the end), but mostly I have gone with bogie-mounted Kadees. A #18 (IIRC) fits nicely in place of the tension lock, with its tail hooked in the rear clip and a bolt run through it where the original TL attacment was.


Beyond that I'd be inclined to use the mounts made by Chivers or Parkside that take the Bachmann NEM pockets to do the job (cutting out the end stretcher of the bogie for clearance).



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