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Welcome to Aberarth.


I've finally decided to take the plunge and start to post info about my OO gauge small diorama layout (a small area modelled of a supposed bigger scene) I have a 4ft x 2ft with a 2ft fiddle yard set in 2009-2011 by the West Wales coast and is a could have been scenario if Aberarth had grown to a town with an adjacent rail port facility. The layout is a 2 platform terminus station with an adjacent depot/refuelling facility. Freight trains arrive in the station area in between passenger services and reverse into a offscene reception yard for the port.


The fictitional line to the town is basically an extension of the Cambrian line from Aberystywth with also a new line built from Carmarthen to serve South Wales mainly for freight, so I can have mainline diesels on display which in reality would never visit West Wales.


The layout has been started since Spring 2010 and lots of scenery recycled from my previous layout, construction has been slow due to illness and only having occasional access to the layout. Somehow I couldn't get any ideas going about trying to put mainline diesels in a small space, but after visiting a few shows and seeing a few mini layouts - inspiration came back with layouts like the excellent Outon Road and Arnold Lane and to take the plunge into DCC.


Track laying is done and some foreground and station scenery complete - Still lots to do, may extend the depot by 2ft which is currently modelled in low relief.


Future plans are to possibly model the 1990's on the layout before the EWS takeover.


Sorry to waffle on abit but thought it would be a nice idea of how to display mainline locos that were on my previous layout I had to dismantle.


Photos to follow shortly.



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