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Losing a part completed post

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I blame this new lap-top!

Tonight, making a post in the Black Country thread, I had about 8 lines of my deathless prose all grammatically correct and no spelling mistakes when instead of hitting the shift key I pressed the Ctrl button directly below!

Result ?... I got a blank posting page, but with a "last auto-save at xx.xx" in the bottom of the blue surround.

This weeks Daft Question... If it's auto-saved how do I get back to my magnum opus? My audience awaits!

Actually the computer has been switched off since the above disaster,and I don't expect to recover it, but I've done this daft trick before, so if there is a get out of jail card I'd like to know... pretty please..

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Hi Don.


I have lost the odd post halfway through recently due to the site freezing on my laptop, but I find if I come off the site, then back on, go back to the thread you are wanting to post in, and start a new post ...... a box appears under your typing telling you that your (previous) post is auto saved, and do you want to re-install it.


Just click yes and you should be up and running again.


Hope this helps.




Simon. :)

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