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Modern sheds and inspection pits

Guest Moria

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Guest Moria

Greetings all.


Is it feasable, or even prototypical that an inspection pit could actually be longer than a servicing shed so that it protrudes at one end, or would any inspection pit be completely enclosed within the shed itself. I know it could be completely outside the shed as well if needed.


I know that having such a pit would allow someone to bypass any security on the doors etc, but initially this is more a "does such a situation exist" type question.


I am trying to decide if I need to build a bigger shed, or whether the one I have would suffice.


Regards to all



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My initial thoughts were that this situation might exist where a small modern structure

has been built on the site of a larger former steam shed.

At Exeter St Davids the 4 road steam shed had its roof removed in the 1960s,

sometime around 1979/80 a short blue single road shed was erected within the walls of the former shed,

my photos are not clear if there is a pit that extends out of the shed, (which has no doors).

The other 3 remaining roads had open air pits,



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Guest Moria

Yep, thanks to both of you, I think I have to bite the bullet and either shorten the pit or extend the shed. I agree, it doesn't make much sense to me to have a pit longer than the shed and a slightly extended shed will be a better size for the locos. Luckily, the shed is Scalescenes so extending shouldn't be too hard as long as I remember what parts I used to make it with origionally.. as normal, it's not standard :)





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