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Leeds Trams 1950-1959


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Dear All


I have just today discovered the existence of this member site.


I believe that I have seen an entry by another member concerning the possibility of constructing a model of a Middleton Bogie tram from the Leeds City Tramways fleet.


I have just such a model.


It is in 4mm scale painted in the red and cream livery of (roughly) 1957, as is my small collection of Horsfield and Feltham trams. I just thought your other memebr might like to know that such a Middleton Bogie model is possible in fine scale. The others are motorised proprietory models, but excellent nonetheless.


My choice of models is specific: they are the trams on which I rode around the city in the 1950-1959 era as a child. I learned so much about cities from the views from the top decks of those trams, an experience that I would guess I share with many people.


I too am sad that, alongside many other UK towns and cities, that Leeds City Council decided to close the tramway system. I am a lifelong supporter of public transport and it was my working life by choice for thirty years, but in their shoes I fear that I would have done the same.


The call on the citys' scarce resources in the age before government grants for housing (and we forget the slums that needed not only clearing but replacing), for education (new schools were badly needed and never were cheap to build) and the ageing and war damaged water and drainage systems was overwhelming. And yes I did shed a tear at their passing; and yes I do still shed that same tear as I watch their perfect little 2009 ghosts trundle and whine around a tiny track.


But tens of thousands of people had new homes to live in, and I was one of them. Thousands of children went to new schools, and I was one of them too. Somehow, and at this distance, having to use a bus seems to have been a fair price to have had to pay for such chances at life.


My family does actually humour my love for these tiny distant memories rather well, and my daughter has joined in with them. I attach her relevent Certificate of Competence, granted of course by the relevent authority. I always wanted my name on the side of the trams (actually it was my mother who wanted that, but I admit I went along with her aim happily) but it was not to be. So I have contented myself with this lesser role - but I think it is fit for its' time some 50 years onward. These tiny models delight the heart, and to those souls who made them so I could own them I will always be grateful. I hope this message of my thanks reaches them too.


kind regards to all, and the Happiest of Christmases and the most Prosperous of New Years


Chris Longley


PS Yours is a very interesting site


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