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Claterinbrigg GNSR


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Update as requested Martin - just a little late!


My modelling time over the last few months has been 0. And as anyone who has ever followed these threads or my blog will realise, I suffer from that inverse-square law whereby the number of ideas I have for layouts is inversely proportional to my lack of ability to build them. The result of which is that I tend to try and 1) do too much, 2) change too much, 3) think about things too much, 4) spend too much time, effort and money on the wrong things and 5) then try and squeeze in another option. Settling on a time period for this project has been really difficult as there is so little available for the GNSR, the tendency therefore is always to fall back to the BR period. As much as I like that era, I would also like to be able to go back to pre-grouping as I have never done that before.


Anyway, what you see in the image below is the layout (still without a name) pretty much as it stands today. The trackwork, wiring and point motors are completed and it runs quite nicely. You can obviously see some BR freight stock, which will be used for a green diesel time period, with hopefully some further stock for an earlier era. The basic form is staring to take place. The Caledonian signal box is only being used as a prop for the time being. 




Thanks all, for the encouragement.



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