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Expo tools airbrush

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This may not be the correct forum to post this, but as people (including me) have asked about buying budget airbrushes I thought I'd share my experience of dealing with expotools, who sell the AB airbrushes. I bought a AB602 airbrush and compressor for a little over £100, being totally new to airbrushes and not wanting to pay a fortune for something I was likely to mess up/lose/break.


It may not be the most sophisticated airbrush, but it's far from the most expensive and the after sales service is fantastic. In my 'enthusiasm' I lost a small part, the lever guide, by cleaning the airbrush in the sink. Of course being an idiot I didn't have the plug in properly and so down the plug hole it went. I tried a to get a replacement from where I bought it, a certain model shop with "zone" in the title, but despite leaving my number they didn't get back to me and when I chased them up they passed the buck completely. As I'd expected them to do just this I'd already asked my local model shop to help me, but they also failed to get back to me.


So, expecting to end up speaking to someone in China I phoned expo tools. Surprisingly I got straight through to a very pleasant chap with a welsh accent, not at all cantonese. That was 3pm yesterday. At 9am this morning the correct part arrived in the post! How's that for service?!

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