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fixing weathering powders

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Hello chaps, in a bout of uncharactoristic experimentation, I have purchased a couple of mig powders. Whilst I have no problems obtaining the desired effect (quite chuffed actually), I was wondering how best to go about fixing them.


I have left my hymek in our hot humid kitchen while mum does the sunday roast (I assume the moisture will help set the powders without disturbing them...)


Any tips or do I need to start cooking roasts all holiday? :D

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Dark colours on a light surface are not normally a problem to fix. I normally use Testors Dullcote (not tried the new formula yet). The colours don't tend to disappear, although they may not be so strong as when first applied. Lighter colours can often disappear when fixed. Sometimes several applications are required and even then it's not always as effective as one would wish. I believe that Mig powders are better than most. I keep meaning to try some. What I have sometimes done with a fair degree of success is drybrushed a suitable colour paint onto the surface, and I mean here, virtually no paint. This does give a slightly tacky surface. I then apply the powders and don't overspray with varnish. I have also applied powders onto a tacky Testors surface, but you have to work quickly here. This is normally a second coating after I have fixed the first light coloured coat. Hope that doesn't sound too confusing!



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Moisture will help to fix the powders, but they will still rub off with repeated handling. I've found the best thing to fix them permanently is a very light spray of matt varnish. Humbrol Mattcote is good, as is the Vallejo acrylic matt.



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