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Faded blue 08

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After finally sorting the sound on my 08 (with a pair of sugar cube speakers), attention moved on to the weathering job. I've tried to make mine look faded, oily and dirty like this one;


I'm not the best photographer of models but the finished article is pictured below. Almost everything was done with washes. I started off with Railmatch Faded Blue, diluted down using white spirit and applied as a wash, taking care to avoid the number, electrification flashes, handrails etc. You have to lay the model on its side when you do this of course, otherwise it would run down and the effect would be completely wrong. As it dries it tends to pool and looks really good. After 24 hours in the airing cupboard I did the opposite side, and after another 24 hours the roof. Once this was completely dry I used a dirty black lining, applied with a very fine brush around all the panels, grilles, doors etc to make them stand out. A track colour wash was applied to the underframe, and an overall dirty black over the wasp stripes front and back. None of the washes are wiped off at any stage, the secret is getting the dilution just right (which isn't rocket science, just try it on a test piece first). To finish things off the hinges and bottom of the doors and panels were touched in with a light rust colour and a driver and tail lamp added.



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