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Current Hornby Bulleid WC/BB Maintenance Issues


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I am starting this topic in hopes others who have similar problems can share solutions.


My current issue is the main rod and valve gear hanger. On one of my pacifics the little bend in the valve rod hanger no longer stays in the slot. This has caused the main rod to get tangled and mangled in the pin for the first driver. Any solutions welcome including suggestions on replacing the parts with new super detailed parts.


Hope we can start a running topic on this and other issues related to how to fix problems that come up with the China built WC/BB models. Please confine this to the current/recent Hornby versions and not the Margate or Dublo versions. My current interest is the "As Built" air smoothed versions but rebuilt topics would I guess be welcome too.

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Hi Ken.

I had a problem with one of my WC's valve gear. The slotted part of the valve rod assembly was glued to the support bracket in the wrong place causing the valve rod guide to hit the end of the slot and twisting it on each revolution. I carefully removed it with a scapel and re-glued it (super glue) back on in the right place and it now runs perfectly.


If your valve hanger is falling out of the slot it suggests that the slot may be fractionally too wide, i'd try giving it a gentle squeeze.



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My current issue is the main rod and valve gear hanger. On one of my pacifics the little bend in the valve rod hanger no longer stays in the slot. This has caused the main rod to get tangled and mangled in the pin for the first driver. Any solutions welcome including suggestions on replacing the parts with new super detailed parts.


Let's get the terminology correct :

The air smoothed Bulleid Pacifics don't have outside valve gear. On the real locos, all 3 sets of valve gear were inside an oil bath between the frames.

The crosshead (attached to the piston rod) moves within the slide bars and what you call the main rod is the connecting rod (con rod).


As mentioned in the other thread, the con rods need to be slightly curved outwards in order to clear the crank pin in the leading coupled wheels.


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