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I thought it was very likely you'd come across Steve with your background, Pete. The new album's out in a couple of weeks - very much looking forward to that.


As well as the Strat I've currently got an unadulterated (and it's going to stay that way) Tele, and an Ibanez 5-string bass, and the current acoustics include a Simon & Patrick cedar-top, an Ovation, an old Yamaha FG-140 and an old Eko which has a great resonance open tuned with a D drone. Years ago it got dropped, straight down vertically on the head, and put a crack lengthwise part way down the neck, but it never seemed to make a blind bit of difference. Must be the SM58 of guitars!

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Do you know I don't own an acoustic! The one in the pictures in Early Risers is actually my daughter's. I did own a Gibson and a Framus once.....the Framus, from about 1968 played and sounded the better.


Think I need one, now.


Best, Pete.

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This was my first guitar (not the actual example) a Burns Sonic model from 1963 - unusual for Burns they had set necks. I bought it in 1965 for 19 Gns in Romford!


I played it the last time I was in the UK as it is now owned by my best friend who still does Pub gigs with it nearly every week. Now you know why I am trisonic.



1963 Burns Sonic Model


Best, Pete.

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seeing as this is the appropriate thread for this does any one know who makes a hard case that would be suitable for a BCrich son of beast? or even better a hard case that could handle both a son of beast and an ibanez GSR190J bass? (preferably a dual layered one) just im soon to be moving house and i dont like the prospect of 2 amps, 2 guitars and a drum kit rumbling around in the back of a movers van. :O




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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Folks,

here is another video, this time the shadows sound with charlie Halls EFTP loaded on the Magicstomp to replicate the early Hank tone.

This is my rendition of 'Sleepwalk' from the Shadows first album in 1961




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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 4 months later...

Hi Pete,

lol, its very easy to get typ-set when doing a certain style, I know what the Dr Who actors must have felt like, once Dr who allways so to speak but I play rock music more than anything but as an ad-lib, in other words my lead solos are never the same :-)

I know that alan downnes plays the shadows and of recent years i have returned to it making use of Charlie halls (EFTP) to replicate almost exact the echoes Hank produced.

I use Two strats a genuin 78 USA strat and a replica Hank marvin fiesta red customshop 56 signature with vintage pickups, via Vox AC30 and Yammaha Magicstomp for the EFTP, I sometimes use the BOSS ME5 for use of the compressor.



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You know Allan has joined this Forum?


I know what you mean though - I've been doing some orchestral compositions - it really broadens your horizons doing something new......I hate it in a blues jam when I find myself just peeling off a selection of licks....


Later, my friend, Pete.

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Easy up Pete, I though I was good!!!


Absolutely terrific sound, terrific phasing, terrific everything.


Just WHERE did you get THAT sound!!!!


I thought I sounded Hankified through an ALEXIS QUADRAVERB TWO patched into a BOSE MIXER AMP.


Anyway, after hearin that, well... anyone interested in a well used but useless Fender Strat?!!



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I know what you mean though - I've been doing some orchestral compositions - it really broadens your horizons doing something new......


Completely agree Pete. This is from a series of sessions about 8 years ago which never had the final treatment and one day I'd like to go back to do a proper remix and master.


It was recorded in Logic and utilised what was then the very new and ground-breaking Vienna Symphonic Library.  I can't remember what the piano was, it might even have been a hybrid of two grands, and there's a plucked double bass tucked away in there too.  No guitars though, which was a nice change. Lovely delicate voice too (no, not me!).


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Something a bit more guitar-oriented. This was knocked out about 10 years ago at about 3 or 4am after a very long lock-in trying to mix down some tracks. Everyone had cleared the studio for an hour or so to clear their heads and I was in there by myself, head full of levels, cross-fades and junk that really wasn't working when I suddenly had the urge to just play something.  So I picked up my Strat and this happy accident just fell out of my fingers. I quickly cranked up a new session in Logic, did the finger picking in one take DI'd straight in as a dry signal adding some delay, chorus and angel dust in post. I then layered in a string patch, the piano is probably a raw setting from the Yahama P250, the bass is an Ibanez and the drum loop at the end was something that jumped out of the Korg Triton. Finally I plopped the little solo over the top, again Di'd but this time though an amp sim.  It's not perfect, it's definitely a bit rough around the gills, but it captured the mood perfectly and I've got a feeling that if I tried to to re-record it properly I'd lose all of the magic.


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Beautiful stuff, Adrian!


This is "All you Zombies": http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=6474216


I was going to update my Soundclick page but now I think I'm going to swap sites, too many "Beat" rip offs! I'll wait till I have found something new...


I see Allan has turned up; we'll be swamped with Hank soon (just kidding)!


Best, Pete.

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I'm glad you like the sound, however the mic we used for recording was a bit below par though giving a tinny sound as to the more rounded sound we had in house.

I guess like yourself, allways searched for THAT sound, I have had the privaledge of playing through an original Meazzi Echomatic which was used by Hank on all the early hits, Apache, FBI Wonderful land and so on.

We had a 'get together' a couple of years ago with Charlie Hall who diod all the echos for Hank ( EFTP ) which you probably have in your Q2, Hank used the Q2 in the 90s then onto the Q20 and now he uses the excellent TVS3 for shads stuff of wich he used on the last cliff and shads tour of more recent.


The TVS is about the closest you can get to the original sound unless you have n AC15 and Meazzi Echomatic, I met 'Justin Daish' a couple of years ago and he has an original AC15 and a Meazzi, he of course playes in the Shadowers with Alan jones bass player with the shadows for 20+ years , in most peoples opinion he has the closest sound there is and it was this set up he used with Bruce Welch in September of last year at Shadowmania.



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