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Robins Lane

Modelling Martin

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Hi Gary,


This is a great start - well done! It looks like you have a great eye for detail, colour and texture which is something that can take many years to learn.


It is really heartening to see a youngster such as yourself being engaged in this hobby and making such a good job of it. Keep it up and I will enjoy watching you progress with your layout.


All the best,



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi everyone.


Yesterday proved very productive. I added the grass to the layout painted the sand on the road grey and, with filler, made the concrete apron / foundations for the depot. After the filler dried i painted it grey. After that the odd bits of white filler were touched up and track cleaned.




This is looking really good, Gary, and you definitely have the railway modeller in you - the mug on the layout gives you away :lol:

Looking forward to seeing your progress.


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Looking good so far. Painting the rails is tedious but worth the effort! Hornby points look much better than they did when I was your age... 20 odd years ago!


I've used sand to good effect too. I used a tea strainer and spooned the sand in, which seems to spread it well over the glue. The filler/concrete has worked well.

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Looking good so far. Painting the rails is tedious but worth the effort! Hornby points look much better than they did when I was your age... 20 odd years ago!


I've used sand to good effect too. I used a tea strainer and spooned the sand in, which seems to spread it well over the glue. The filler/concrete has worked well.


Thankyou for your comment, sand is fine, good colour and free!

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Martin,


This is looking good.

To make it look even better, can I suggest that, when you photograph it, you turn it towards the light - compare your scenic side with the fiddle yard. I'll let your pics speak for themselves. Nicely taken, by the way. :sungum:



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Looking good. You've got a good eye for scenery colour and the track is nicely weathered.


The only other observation I would make is that the front track seems very close to the edge of the layout. Any derailments, or worse, a stray arm, could have catastrophic results! We've all done it. You may want to consider adding a narrow length of scenic board (perhaps a couple of inches wide) at the front which would keep any stray locos or stock on the layout. Just a thought.



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  • RMweb Premium



Looking good. You've got a good eye for scenery colour and the track is nicely weathered.


The only other observation I would make is that the front track seems very close to the edge of the layout. Any derailments, or worse, a stray arm, could have catastrophic results! We've all done it. You may want to consider adding a narrow length of scenic board (perhaps a couple of inches wide) at the front which would keep any stray locos or stock on the layout. Just a thought.




Excellent advice Stephen.


Have a look at Avago (http://www.rmweb.co....he-old-sidings/). A wall, fence, hedge or lineside features and objects can help define your layout as well as keeping your rolling stock intact.

PS They also seem to deter naughty little fingers from reaching out to touch your precious locos :nono:

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Thanks for the advice,


The baseboard was limited to 3ft square for the Hornby magazine '3ft Challenge' but after the competition I probably invest in a expansion of wooden scenic board or a strip of Perspex at the front if it was going to exhibitions.


By the way invitations to exhibitions around the Lancashire area are welcome!



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Hello everybody. As you may be aware this is my son's Garys project. My name is Dave and i have left Gary ( who is only 13 ) to do it on his own. To say i am impressed is an understatement. Yes i do help him now and then but only with advice and the tools he needs to do this project, hold a piece of wood when he cut's it, that sort of thing. We have a larger layout in a spare room hence the borrowing of the Powercab controller ( which is his anyway! ) I can't believe how well he is doing with it, his eye for weathering is really good, far better than i could attempt. Thank you all for your comments on his project he really likes it when he gets a reply. He is allso aware of any points or faults you can find, he would rather you tell him as he is building it and he does take your comments on board. With my limited model railway experience ( only about 10 years and learning all the time ) but a lifetimes worth of advice ( old Dad, 51) and Garys nimbler fingers, better eyes and general ' just get on with it' attitude i am sure he can finish it to a standard that he will be proud of. Once again thank's to you all for your very encouraging comments about Garys project. P.S. He can solder a lot better than i can! Regards, Dave.

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Hello everybody. As you may be aware this is my son's Garys project. My name is Dave and i have left Gary ( who is only 13 ) to do it on his own. To say i am impressed is an understatement. Yes i do help him now and then but only with advice and the tools he needs to do this project, hold a piece of wood when he cut's it, that sort of thing. We have a larger layout in a spare room hence the borrowing of the Powercab controller ( which is his anyway! ) I can't believe how well he is doing with it, his eye for weathering is really good, far better than i could attempt. Thank you all for your comments on his project he really likes it when he gets a reply. He is allso aware of any points or faults you can find, he would rather you tell him as he is building it and he does take your comments on board. With my limited model railway experience ( only about 10 years and learning all the time ) but a lifetimes worth of advice ( old Dad, 51) and Garys nimbler fingers, better eyes and general ' just get on with it' attitude i am sure he can finish it to a standard that he will be proud of. Once again thank's to you all for your very encouraging comments about Garys project. P.S. He can solder a lot better than i can! Regards, Dave.


Well said, Dave.


It's very encouraging to see young people enjoying this wonderful hobby of ours and producing such excellent results. Perhaps, Gary could give you some soldering lessons! I could certainly do with some!



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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone,


Im aware its been quite a while since my last post and so created another oner for a rather special reason. Thank you to everyone who commented on the post as as you might already know my layout 'Robins Lane' came third in the Hornby Magazine 3ft challenge! You can see my layout in the latest December issue.


Because of this i have decided to put my layout on the exhibition circuit as if the judges said it was good then i must have some form of modelling know how! As you may be aware i am only thirteen and so getting my layout in a magazine is a real moral booster. I will gratefully appreciate any invitations in the lancashire area.


For any questions please email me at garymartin173@gmail.com

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  • 6 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hi Gary.


First of all, well done on getting the third spot in Hornby Magazines competition. I haven't seen the magazine so don't know how far you've progressed the layout since you last posted photos here and many others may be the same.


I suggest that you post some more photos as that may help others to give you some advice on exhibition invites. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


I know its been a long time but the recent turn of events has meant the layout needs to be upgraded. We have managed to get the layout to exhibit at the BNFMRC exhibition in Fleetwood. However in order to get to the exhibition a lot of improvements will have to be made. After reading the comments i and my dad set about attaching a width extension in the unfortunate event that a train may fall off the rails on the outside track. So i set to work and added a 3 centimetre wide road.






Also whilst thinking about things i knocked up a list of things to do on the layout before the exhibition in September which includes:

Engine shed roof

Connect up engine shed wiring

Refit and reposition the bridge

Make a road on the new bridge capable of taking a bus

Make a thicker stone wall next to the fiddle yard

Install a signal and switch on the entrance to the fiddle yard

Install 4 buffers with lights

Make the manual control system for the points

Attach handles on the side for easier transportation

Perhaps add a lampost with a light in

Thing about back-scenes

Make a fuel pump (Knightwing perhaps?)

Top up the sand effect in areas of the layout

Attach railings on the inner wall near the depot and fiddle yard

And find a way to stand it up (ironing board?)


A long list! Well i hope to do as much as possible so any help with any of the above would be appreciated.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello all,


I have now started to refit the bridge which was originally put on in haste in order to get it ready for the Hornby Magazine'3ft Challenge' and has always been on my list to improve it as it looked very unconvincing and was a bad job. Anyway there were three main parts to the new bridge: the actual bridge section, the wall on the layout side of the fiddle yard and the wall inside the tunnel on the other layout wall.


This was the triangle part:






To make the outer wall i added some 3D brick to some mounting board to give the look of a thick wall which could hold up the girder bridge. Because it only came in A4 sizes i did however have to do the wall in to sections.




A class 24 stops by the layout to take a look at the new bridge.




The finished Product! The walls and the girder were weathered with moss and weathering powders/paints to give a well used look to them.






I also had to add a strip of mounting board with a wooden strip on it on the depot road near the awl in order for the depot building to sit in well on the layout and stop it from moving and in the long term- boing.




As always feedback is greatly appreciated 








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  • 2 weeks later...



Great news everyone my first exhibition is on the horizon. The Blackpool and North Fylde Model Railway Club have an exhibition on the 21st/22nd of september which i am very excited to be attending. The layout has come on along way since the competition and i thank everyone who helped.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone. 


Its been a long time since my previous post and there have been quite a few improvements since. I have redone the shed roof, touched up the sand and moss in areas and finished off the bridge. The selection of photos were taken showing some of the improvements i have made. If anyone is going to the BNFMRC exhibition please come and take a look for yourself!  :sungum:


















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