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Adjusting CV


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On my Bachmann class 20 sound

When it sets off with tick over, if i give the throttle a quick increase and return it to original position

the sound increases but speed remains the same ( this is good and how i like it )


Now my Bachmann class 25 if i do this the loco in creases speed before the sound takes off

in fact it does this anyway speed seems to increase ahead of the sound level ( not good )


I have set all the cv,s ( accel/decel) start V mid V and so on also the same speed curve

so what do i do to get the sound to take up before the speed kicks in ?????




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I think this may be a feature of the beast. I tried mine out today and it does as you say - moves off on tickover. You may find that lengthening the acceleration time helps you to drive it in the manner you require but see how you get on with notching. Pressing F5 increases the engine revs regardless of loco speed and pressing F6 reduces the revs. However, there is a delay in activation so press only once and wait until there is a reaction before pressing again. It is not clear either from my own trials or Bachmann's instructions whether a second press on F5 cancels the notching or you have to press F6 to reduce the revs again; in fact, I think there may be three stages of notching up - achieved by successive presses of F5 - and I am not sure whether F6 also has three stages.



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Hi Harold


I might send it off to get reblown

I have seen some UTube clips with it doing what i whant


the class 20 is great

the tickover is load and when it sets off i give the throttle a flick and the recs increace straight away so i can then drop the trottle back and it keeps the higher revs

at the original speed

even when its moving i can do the same fick the trottle and it notches up without a speed increase


like i said copyed the settings across to the 25 with decoder pro3 but it still wont respond the same

still will have to think about it some more


anyway thanks for the reply,, cos i know now its just not mine doing it cos i mess up the cv,s somwere

problem is i changed some cv,s some time ago and forgot to save the originals

now i do a full read and save to file before changing anything so i can go back to the way it was before




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Yes, mucking up the CVs is easily done. I do not have Decoder Pro or the facility to connect my layout to my computer so I have to change CVs with Power Cab which can be a bit tedious. That also means I have to keep a manual record of my CV settings.but I have learned the hard way not to change settings without first recording the existing value.

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Hi Pufferman


well there is one , but at the moment not able to check what one it is

in decoder pro there is a setting for this were you select normal or revese direction as standard

you can also do this with the Elite Controller so assume others will as well

will look it up when i get home



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For a Loksound v3.5, adding 1 to whatever value is already in CV29, will reverse the direction of travel - but make a note of the existing value beforehand in cases you need it.


The above is poor advice. Sometimes "adding 1" will reverse the direction. Sometimes "adding 1" will reverse the direction AND change some other aspects of the decoder's behaviour in a manner that you don't want to happen.


Please adjust CV29 after reading up on how it works. I've written a webpage and calculator for it. I'm not the only person to have done it, so if mine isn't to your liking there are dozens of others.



- Nigel

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