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hi , my name is tim and i have just joined as im stuck !and would love some advice please.

i have just fitted my Heljan 47 with a legomannbiffo sound chip on v4 chip, i put a bass enhanced speaker in fuel tan and its fab .

one problem its to loud now!!! :O i have a naff controller (e-z command)but wish to buy a nec power cab.

the instructions state that on v4 there are slots ? cv259 ? slot 1 ? really confused , is this hard to turn down and does a powercab do cv altering up to cv259 ?

if so how can i do it as this is all new to me . it says i must start by setting cv31 to 16 and cv32 to 1 ?

what does all this mean .

would love some advice before i go buy a powercab and find out i cant turn the v4 chip volume down.

any ideas gratefully recived.

thanks tim

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Welcome to the forum Tim. I have moved your question to the DCC questions area as that is where it will be more likely to be seen by those that can help you. Andy created the New Members section so people could if they so wished introduce themselves by saying who they were and a little bit of background information such as what they model as in gauge, era and so forth and questions such as this are best placed in their own area. Don't worry you will get used to it.


In answer to your question you will not be able to alter cv's with the EZ command but the NCE Powercab will be able to as will many more systems.


I have no doubt that others will offer more specialised advice but if you have a look through the DCC questions section that this is now in you will find many more have asked a similar question and received answers.

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My advice would be, if you have a spare a spare £50 (and possibly an old laptop for convenience), then buy a SPROG 2 (decoder programmer) and download a free copy of JMRI's Decoder Pro. The advantage with this method is that the Decoder Pro program allows you to make changes to all the CVs in a easy to understand layout via a graphical interface on you computer. No need to worry about deciphering CV tables to find out which CV to set, just adjust the slider in the helpfully labelled Sound Levels tab! The SPROG also allows you to test run your loco so you can keep checking the sound until you have the desired level - and you don't even have to get your DCC controller out.


Oh, and one other major advantage is the ability to copy your decoder settings to your computer so if you mess up your programming you can simply reload the original and start again! (voice of painful experience?...). I should also add that I am in no way affiliated to either product, just found them to be extremely useful in solving my issues with CV programming as I had wasted days looking up CV tables which left me dazed and confused.

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Man, Fat Freddy's cat. What a fantastic comic that was, if you like that kind of thing! Good advice too. If the OP tim can get access to a system that allows cv changes it's cv63 for master volume control. Value up to 192, which is usually what Bif's are set to as default. HTH, kev.

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hi guys thanks for the advice i really appreciate it,


sorry i so new to this and this is the 1st time iv been on a forum,


looks fun and any tips on where to go and where to look ,


i have emailed legomann to check if all i need to turn master volume down is go into cv 63 with a suitable controller.


thanks again for your help.

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Hi Gasmantimmy.


For instructions on Legos sounds go to DC Kits website. Look up the list of sound chips he sells and find and download the Help Sheet pdf file. It tells you how to adjust most things.


Best of luck and welcome to DCC sound.


You will enjoy it.





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