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Strange characters in text sometimes instead of punctuation or symbols

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Hi, i have noticed that during some of the forums or blogs that strange characters appear within the text. for example (copied and pasted)


A Bibliography of Black Country References – Part One.


These are sometimes obvious things like a pounds sign being replaced by a different character.


Is this due to the person writing the item using a different font to one i have, although I would have thought the fonts used within RMweb are controlled by the software itself(?)


I dont seem to get the same thing with any other websites or forums that i use.


While its not a major issue I thought I would ask the question to draw attention to it.

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Hi Hymek2, it's a hangover from the hardware changeover that the site just went through. It's seems to be only in text that was converted during the changeover, not in text that’s been posted on the site since. One day it may right itself, but some members went back and re-did the offending characters! Kev.

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