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Team Track Prototype


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There's an ongoing thread on West Coast Rail Forums at http://www.westcoastrailforums.com/thread-5411.html covering an industrial-team track area called the Declezville Industrial Lead in Fontana, CA, east of Los Angeles. I've been going there to railfan for the past half dozen years, and I think it's a far better prototype for a shelf layout using the space Lance Mindheim proposed for this one-switch track plan than the single Miami industry. The google satellite view of the area is at

https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=10500+live+oak+aVE+fontana&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x80c34b38616e71df:0x9e520b898cd2089f,10500+Live+Oak+Ave,+Fontana,+CA+92337&gl=us&ei=wE9sUNumBemsiAKF8IHgAw&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA with the main part of the team track parallelling the 10500 block of Live Oak Avenue.


In addition to team track unloading, which accommodates lumber in boxcars and centerbeams, tank cars carrying ethanol and sulfuric acid, bulkhead flats carrying rebar, and coil cars, there are leads off the team tracks serving a plastic pipe company (plastic pellet hoppers), an asphalt company (tank cars with oil), a concrete plant (cement hoppers), and a steel company (bulkhead flats with structural steel). The overall plan is almost custom-designed for a shelf type layout, especially if you twist some of the leads around.

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There's an ongoing thread on West Coast Rail Forums at http://www.westcoast...hread-5411.html covering an industrial-team track area called the Declezville Industrial Lead in Fontana, CA, east of Los Angeles. I've been going there to railfan for the past half dozen years, and I think it's a far better prototype for a shelf layout using the space Lance Mindheim proposed for this one-switch track plan than the single Miami industry. The google satellite view of the area is at

https://maps.google....ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA with the main part of the team track parallelling the 10500 block of Live Oak Avenue.



Oop's. just lost over an hour going over this area and the surrounding industries on Google maps! Lot's of possibilities....

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