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Mystery locomotive


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I'm not sure how I first found this recently ended eBay listing http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150926648632?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 (I just hope it wasn't here!), but I'm intrigued to identify the locomotive illustrated.


It's a standard gauge(?) 0-4-0T (well tank), with an unusual smokebox door and - most oddly - the cylinders are mounted above the running plate, driving the rear wheels through an arrangement of levers and cranks. (I think I've seen that before somewhere, but can't find a match even on this wonderful site http://www.douglas-self.com/MUSEUM/LOCOLOCO/locoloco.htm). Behind it is what appears to be a travelling caravan, complete with raised "campervan" roof.


I'm posting here because it looks of Germanic origin, though the hand-rails give it a.northern European aspect.

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Many thanks, Paul - that's one museum I have yet to visit, but definitely now on the "to do" list. It's even preserved with the carriage shown on the postcard (which I think must be of recent origin).


Now I know where to look, I see there are some several illustrations in Moser, showing that similar locomotives were built by SLM and supplied to a number of Swiss Railway companies. This one SLM 236/1881, originally of the Gotthardbahn but sold into industry as early as 1890.


Edit: The cranked drived system is "Brown" motion.


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