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08 coupling rod colours


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Probably a daft question, but do the colours of the coupling rods on 08's actually mean anything?

I'm modelling BR Blue and most have yellow rods but thei odd one or two have red, is it just a case of they didnt get repainted when they went Blue from Green?

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Generally speaking they were painted yellow when the locos were painted blue, but some early blue repaints still had their rods painted in a fresh coat of red. A bit later on, in the late 70s and into the 80s (ie: well into the Tops era) some depots carried out local repaints with their own variations or 'celebrity' liveries.

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Going for 'Pedant of the Day' (again) they are COUPLING rods (no 'ranting' smiley available i'm afraid). Connecting rods are in the engine (power unit) between the pistons and the crankshaft. Sorry Andy, nothing personal but inaccurate technical descriptions wind me up, it's probably the result of writing too many reports over the years.


Rant over, coat on :)

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Going for 'Pedant of the Day' (again) they are COUPLING rods (no 'ranting' smiley available i'm afraid). Connecting rods are in the engine (power unit) between the pistons and the crankshaft. Sorry Andy, nothing personal but inaccurate technical descriptions wind me up, it's probably the result of writing too many reports over the years.


Rant over, coat on :)


Agreed, and how many times have we seen it wrong in magazine photo captions too.


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'Buffer Beams' is fine for locos but carriages and wagons have 'headstocks' (my "Reply quoting this post" and smileys seem to have gone on strike, have I offended them?).




.............and for multi units ?


Different between outer and inner ends ?


Edit to add off topic marker

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