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A D16/3 from a B12/3

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Having looked at the Hornby B12 in an effort to think of ways to improve it's appearance, I started to wonder whether it could also be the basis for another model. Having looked through the LNER encylopedia I was struck by the similarities between it and Holden's D16.


Whilst I realise its not the most accurate model to begin with, both wheel and boiler diameters are a little different, do those in the know think it would allow a reasonable example to be made or is it too different to be worthwhile?

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I looked at this myself recently, but had the following considerations "guiding" me at the time:


I had a spare B12 body (Triang original), an old resin body D16/3 (Jaycraft, with damage), An old Triang 4-4-0 chassis (SR L1, originally destined for the resin D16/3), as well as the necessary motors/tenders etc to complete.

In addition I had a complete Triang B12 (my 1st loco from when it came out - though it has had a new body, chassis and tender!). Couldn't part with that though.

Also a blue "chinese" Hornby B12 (£10 new frow Ally Pally show a couple of years ago). The finish on this loco has to be seen, with better buffers, wire handrails, superb paint, compared to the Margate era. I've decided to keep this as a "shed pet" loco even though it is wrong.

I also have in the wings, a part built etched D16/3, that can wait though.


The B12/3 has the side skirts to the boiler, and flat-bottomed smokebox, both hard to remedy. It is also too long. Even if cut and shut, the dome positioning is wrong, so more work needed. And all this to fit on the 4-4-0 chassis too. But I decided to sacrifice the resin body, and try using the smokebox, married to the B12 cut boiler. Just got started and Golden Arrow resin body was introduced. My plan was a no-brainer, so was abandoned.


Golden Arrow D16/3, on an LMS 4-4-0 chassis (Dapol) with a Hornby B12 tender. Easy way to go.

Personally I think the B12/3 is not viable for a Claud. Using parts of my resin body of old, even that would be difficult and not that convincing. Sorry.





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It's hard to be contradictory when Jules has made a fine model - probably about the best it could be.  However, I'm with Stewart on this - it's hard to make anything near an accurate representation of a "Claud" (or even a half decent B12/3, come to that) from the Hornby B12.

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Silk purse from sow's ear there Jules! Nice conversion, though the skirt and flat bottom boiler still seem irksome to me. Interesting that the chassis, and tender & drive are the same as I used with the GA body though. I can't post a pic of mine - still not complete! I must finish of the lining and add the tender details.



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Thanks for the nice comments on my D16 bodge!


I knew it was never going to be a particularly accurate model (as well as the points already mentioned, the front splasher doesn't line up properly with the wheels - I also noticed I never got round to changing the smokebox number!), but I used it to give me a representation of a D16, and it was my first attempt at hacking various bits to make a non-available model, so I was quite pleased with the result.

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