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stacked images - size, compression?


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My wife bought me a Panasonic G3K DSLR for my birthday - which is wonderful (but I'm still learning how to drive it!). I've also found a program for focus 'stacking' which is very easy. but of course the camera is a 16MP, which means that finished images are 10 Meg or so, which makes them fairly useless for forum, or most other indirect applications, as reducing the image size looses the definition that you've worked hard to put in! 


These are on Photobucket - I don't know whether they will compress them - or whether they'll hold them at their full resolution....  ANSWER - PHOTOBUCKET COMPRESSES THEM - A LOT......


Any tips gratefully received!!!!!


(out of interest, each image was about 12 shots stacked)










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This is a version of your photo (which I understand is already compressed by photobucket) after putting it through Jpeg Wizard 's Compression program - I don't know how much difference it would make using the full size file. This is down from around 145k to around 60k



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Thanks Shortliner! I'm just trying Jpeg Wizard as we speak - and its ability to refuce file size is amazing! There is a very slight reduction in quality - but perfectly acceptable for all except publishing purposes!

I'll shove one up in a few minutes.....

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This is they having been through the Jpeg Wizard mill..... A little better on the Forum, but still mashed up quite a lot by Photobucket........ - still - much more handleable at a quarter of the size!





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Focus stacking is having the camera on a tripod, and taking a series of identical pictures - each focussed at slightly different points. A computer program then compiles (stacks) them into one image with pefect focus throughout.

The images I took each have about twelve shots in them.

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