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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Modelling in the 70's everyone carped on about using lichen. It doesnt get mentioned these days!


Litchen is God awful stuff and when I started out litchen was all there was and the best that can be said about was that it was a quick means to an awful end.


The green wasn't too bad but those terrible in your face autumn colours - YUK !!! - and EVERY layout was adorned with it as they were all adorned with the Superquick Station and Superquick Church - and I had the lot, Britains Trees an all,  and not to metion Merit's one dimensional Station Master blowing his whistle ! 


In fact, that might a good idea for a new Thread - "The Horrors Of Yesteryear" starting with my windmill and anything by Robinson !




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What album?


This I've GOT to hear !!!!


Cheers mate, where the hell ya bin ?!




Psst, got a supplement comin' up for MR, they're coming up in a coupla weeks to do a photo shoot so I might wanna borrow Petra as my liaison officer !


Album? Oh, that...an easy listening album with some Swedish death metal bagpipe band ...you really don't want to go there.


Sorry I have been scarce, I have been involved in a couple of projects for business customers and they won't let me share any photos...they are singularly lacking in humour of any kind. After my next trip to Aberdeen in a week's time I'll be starting a new project that I can share.


Great news about the Model Rail feature...sales will go through the roof, I predict! You don't need Petra for liaison...what about that nice Sylvia lady with the fascinating socks? Anyway, Petra will be too busy working on my next modelmaking commission.   Oh, by the way, I hope you are getting more than £8 a page from MR... runs for cover!


cheers mate,


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allan downes, on 02 Feb 2014 - 20:16, said:

Hi Bill.


Right now I'm having major problems with Firefox, they are the biggest pain in the *rse on the Internet.


Everytime I go to RMWeb my computer is saturated with ads and pop-ups. I have to delete up to 16, yes16, ads at times before I can even post and even then,as I am typing out a post, the whole screen is taken over with an add of some sort.


I have gone to Firefox 'tools' and stopped all this with their add-block, but it only lasts for a day.


Things are so bad now that even adds pop up on my pictures as I'm scrolling down.


Now normally I use Explorer but everytime I go to upload pictures from my files to the forum I get "Web page expired" but that only happens on RMWeb, so I HAVE to use Firefox and it takes ages as it doesn't so much scroll as it staggers weighted down with adds and pop-ups.


The worst offender is a PC Clean up ad that offers to clean and speed up your computer free. So I downloaded that and within just a few seconds a message pops up saying " Download completed" and nothing happens and, in fact, everything seems worse than ever !



Hi Allan


You could try Adblock Plus - https://adblockplus.org

It's free and configurable. It blocks banners, pop-ups and video ads - even on Facebook and YouTube. You can also select websites you want unblocked, eg. RMweb so you can see trade adverts. I have used it for a few months now on both Internet Explorer and Firefox and it doesn't appear to slow up the browser at all.


Hope this helps, all the best



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Oy you lot! Leave poor Iain alone!!! You are talking about the man who invented the deadly thrice-boiled battle haggis and bravely delves in dark, hidden places about which man is not supposed to have wotted! Actually I suspect he's searching for Merlin's last resting place and the secret of the eternal Fountain of Colron, but that's another story!


Hello Iain! :declare:






PS: When I lived in Blackburn we had an English geezer a couple of doors down who used to play Pink Floyd on the bagpipes amongst other classic rock stuff! Usually on a Sunday during his interminable practice sessions! Must remember to let the Law know where we buried him!

Edited by Mythocentric
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What album?


This I've GOT to hear !!!!


Cheers mate, where the hell ya bin ?!




Psst, got a supplement comin' up for MR, they're coming up in a coupla weeks to do a photo shoot so I might wanna borrow Petra as my liaison officer !

I'd like to see this copy of MR but if they fail to deliver the third subscription copy in a row I'm giving up! Trouble is its not easy to buy it where I live, in fact today we couldn't even get to the main land as the only road was flooded.

Edited by mullie
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