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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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But for those of us who suffer the beautiful California days almost every day (86 F, clear sunshine and low humidity yesterday away from the coast) they come with a price-No rain or snow in the Sierra and we are suffering a drought. 

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Town Gate finished.


If it doesn't work when set up on the board, I'll extend it beyond the gable of the building but this is supposed to be the remains of an isolated section of the Old Citty Wall and when  building it I did start to wonder what an isolated section of Robinson might look like.The things that cross your mind when building ruins...






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Started on a railway orientated scene this morning after finishing off the Tudor build and this is the start of the signal box for it built out of scrap and spare bits and pieces hence a couple of wonky windows !


Will have it finished tomorrow if the mood's right and I've still got a pulse....






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Started to build a GWR Signal Box this afternoon and I thought a step by step might come in handy so here's the first step - the timber framing.


Since this is to be painted out in Dark Brown I cut it out, as one piece, from 1mm black styrene which acts as a perfect 'undercoat'


At the moment there are only three sides cut out - the front and two ends - as I've not quite decided what to do with the back, build a stepped out brick chimney, or carry the boarding right round and fit a stove pipe sticking up out of the roof though I'll probably settle for the former.


Tommorow the Scalelink etched GWR windows should arrive as hopefully so will the 'novelty' 3.5 mm spaced boarding from The Hobby Box, the people where if they haven't got it, neither  has anyone else - or it just simply doesn't exist - give 'em a try on 01825/765296 and get to speak to the magnificent Annie or hubby Mark.






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The windows arrived this morning and were only ordered yesterday afternoon ! Scalelink, like most every body else, don't use Wells Fargo !!!!


Also shown is their bargeboard fret - try cutting that lot out by hand but there was a time when you had to !!!






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It took God six days.... Allan would have done it in five.... but there may have been the odd wonky window. :)



But imagine a world made from Wills stone, Colron dye and pymura fire cement!!!!! Edited by BlackRat
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It took God six days.... Allan would have done it in five.... but there may have been the odd wonky window. :)





God gave unto Allan five sheets of card and lo, a Cathedral appeared........................................instantly!

Edited by mullie
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And then God said, "let there be a windmill..."


And lo! A silence came upon the waters and upon all the lands. And Iain finding unto himself a mine delved by the hand of man hideth therein.......

Edited by Mythocentric
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Typical! Allan spends the day messing about and still manages to do more than I've done this year! OK I've mostly been fitting decoders to my stock and you try figuring out how to get inside a Bachmann Derby 'Lightweight' without destroying it! Not for the faint-hearted I can tell you! :help:


Ditto on the lamp hut! :good:



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Hi Alan,

Signal boxes, now you do know I like those and looking forward to your creation, will it make my Signal Box thread?

Lovely stuff Scale-link etched parts.

Is the box a prototype or freelance affair?



ps: I wonder hat a Tudor signal box would look like?

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