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The original Fantasy Football


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 No not the Daily Telegraph version!!!


A couple of weeks ago I happened across a very readable book in a garden centre about the history of football stories in children's comic books. I have to confess I did not buy it, but happily flicked through the pages whilst my wife was browsing through the craft making area. It certainly brought a few names flooding back from my childhood. I had forgot just how many footballing comic strips there were out there!!! So here I present my comic book Fantasy Football team!


1. CHARLIE "IRON" BARR - apparantly he had his own comic strip. I happened across him in the old "Picture story monthly" comic book series which I used to collect, (and still have in the loft). Played for "United" and always depicted playing minus socks!


2. TUG WILSON - team mate of the above in the "United" stories. Hard tackling defender.


3. BLACKIE GRAY - Roy Race's mate!


4. RAMMER REEVES - a less than intelligent giant of a defender from the picture story monthly series. There doesn't seem to be many defenders I can remember. I'm struggling already!


5. JOHNNY DEXTER - Now I remember one! The "Hard Man" as he was known in his comic strip. I remember his comic strip ended when he moved to Melchester Rovers and became part of the main story in "Roy of the Rovers".


6. ALEX "HEDGEHOG" JONES - another one from the old "Picture story monthly" strips about "United". I believe he appeared in early comic strips too. Spiky haired midfielder!


7. KEVIN "MIGHTY" MOUSE - played in specs and dribbled around everyone!!!


8. ANDY STEEL - a more recent comic book "hero". He appeared in a short lived comic book called "Hotshot" in a story called "Playmaker".


9. ROY RACE - surely no one can miss "Roy of the Rovers" out of their team!


10. HAMISH BALFOUR - or Hot Shot Hamish as he was known - removed entire goal posts with his shots! Appeared in a comic strip with Kevin Mouse.


11. BILLY - can't remember his second name, just make sure he is wearing his special boots!!!!


So there is my fantasy football team. Hope it raises a few memories!

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