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Blog- Cherry's Corner. - Jinty progress - braking news!

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Having received a MOK Standard 4MT kit over Christmas has given added impetus to getting the Jinty finished first. I'm trying to make sure that I finish this Jinty before diving into the 4MT kit, whether my resolution holds will have to be seen.


So I've made a little progress on the bodywork, but I've been concentrating on the chassis. I'd like to get a running chassis to test out a MERG CBUS system I'm setting up. So progress to date is shown below.



The detail changes from previous postings are

  • crankpin nuts - finally got round to fitting some 12BA steel nuts, although they still need thinning down and a washer behind them.
  • brake hangers brackets - I fitted these as specified in the kit, although in reference to the works drawing they seem a little too low, however the hangers themselves seem a little too short so the brake rods should be in the right place. The kit instructions just have a bit of brass rod through them. However I've drilled the outer hole 12BA clearance and the frame and the inner part of the bracket has been tapped 12BA so that hopefully the brakes will all be detachable for painting and maintenance.
  • balance weights - fitted as supplied, I always think a loco character starts to emerge with the balance weights, until them they're just a set of wheels.
  • plunger pickups - I picked these up from a GOG show at Halifax, I think they are from Ron Chaplin but I can't be sure. I always seem to struggle with pickups and these look nicely engineered so I thought I'd give them a try. The plastic bushing needed a little trimming with a scalpel as there wasn't enough room between the S7 frames and the wheels for them.

Now the more observant among you may have noticed that the motor and gearbox has been reversed. The motor is now pointing forwards and into the boiler and smokebox area. With it rear facing it was getting awfully close to the boiler backhead, such that it was going to be difficult to squeeze in a flywheel. By having the motor facing forward then I hope to have enough room to squeeze in a flywheel.


Final bit for tonight is the brakes. The kit is supplied with etched components for the brake blocks but I'm always cautious about putting any metal bodywork anywhere near wheels as I think it's a recipe for creating shorts. So the brake blocks are replaced with a nice non-conductive paxolin alternative. This is work in progress, draw a few concentric rings on a sheet of paxolin, mark out the blocks and drill the mounting points 12BA clearance.



Hopefully get these finished and fitted in the next couple of days - that 4MT kit is calling!!



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