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Rolled magnet strip

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I was in my local (model shop, not pubwink.gif ) today and noticed they were selling magnetic strip in rolled form. I can't remember the make of it but I was wondering if one could use this for Kadee couplings...


Has anyone had any joy with this? If it's possible to use this then it would save me having to order Kadee magnets. I'm aiming to have my magnets placed beneath the track for a more prototypical look...






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I always thought that the Kadee magnets were of a special design and magnetic field to throw the hook sideways and that they didn't work with any old magnet. But that may just be a rumour put about by a salesman :)

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You will probably find that the magnetic strip is not strong enough to work as a Kadee uncoupler, let alone one beneath the track, even if the polarity is correct (which isn't likely). You'd probably do better with rare earth magnets and a piece of steel like the "Totally Hidden Uncoupler" - review here http://www.gardenmetalmodels.com/magnets/Totally%20Hidden%20Uncoupler%20Review%20MRN%200907.pdf



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I couldn't make them work with other magnets, of varying strengths, including an "OH MY GOODNESS" one from a hard drive. None worked.

Mind you, I'm having trouble making the real kadee ones work too.angry.gif

They sure kick the couplers over when not coupled, but coupled - well that's a different story.


Any way, I have digressed. I don't think other magnets do the trick.



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I doubt that rolled magnetic strip would pack enough magnetic power to operate a Kadee.


The only way to try is to puzzle out how the Kadee uncoupler magnet actually works and substitute the magnetic strip. I am not sure whether the Kadee uses magnetic attraction of steel / iron or the polarity of magnets to do the deed.

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Hi guys,


Thanks for the replies so far on this one, it's looking like it's a no go then... Just thought it would be worth asking in case anyone had done it before.


Oh well, will have get those Kadee magnets ordered then I guess.




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