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Help needed to fine tune DCC Locos

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This question has probably been done to death but was wondering I have a few steam locos and they seem to run jerky at slow speeds. How can I rectify this problem? I never seem to have this problem with diesels maybe its the big fly wheel they have take this jerky running out of the equation so to speak.


Any help will be most welcome :)




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Take DCC out of the equation, test the chassis in question without a decoder on a simple DC supply (basic resistance controller or battery). If it doesn't run smoothly then sorting out mechanical deficiencies is the best place to start, rather than leave a decoder to (attempt to) mask them.


If the chassis is satisfactorily smooth on DC, but is degraded when the decoder is added, then it's a case of looking for what adjustment the decoder offers; and this is a variable feast with many different arrangements. BEMF sampling and response settings, drive frequency, motor types are all possible offerings.

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