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more of my 7mm projects


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After some trial and error attempts at a 7mm scale layout, i thought it would be best just to build some kits and detail an RTR lima shunter. then later think of a trackplan. so far ive built an exLNER 21ton hopper, and a BR 12t van. plus repainted, detailed and weathered the shunter.

the future plan is to have an industrial based yard, where wagons can be seen shunting and loco's refueling / crew changes etc.














so for now its just kit bashing Parkside dundas wagons.


I'll post up more soon, once i get the glue off my fingers.



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With a few new arrivals from Dapol at the local model shop im wondering if the 7mm 08's will be on the next cargoship to the UK!!!!

or i hope and dream anyway...!


Ive weathered the 12ton van but first i added additonal detail such as handles etc.

Im pleased with the result and cant wait to knuckle down on the trackplan.




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  • 1 month later...

That is a lot of dirt on that Lima shunter. Suits it well!


I have one myself. I had quite a long quest to find out what prototype it represented. It seems that Lima atempted to make a German shunter (Köf III) but could not fit the standard motor under the bonnet. Therefore that part is extremely raised, makes the shunter more a fantasy than a prototypical locomotive.


On the other hand it gives you all the space to detail and alter everything on the shunter without feeling guilty about it. Yours is very nice!


cheers, Paul

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all thanks for the comments. Thats a shame about Dapol's release date being pushed forward.

But i have since been looking at loco kits and am very unsure about them, if i can't complete it for whatever reason bit of a waste of £300+

Hmm desicions..!


I have been scratchbuilding 4mm scale buildings in practice so i'm hoping i'll produce some industrial buildings in 7mm.

Paul...thats interesting about the 'prototype' im glad in a way as you said its unique and open to options without rivet counters causing a flap.

For now...i'm happy plodding along with wagon builds and buulding up a nice collection...


Its strange... i normally collect 1000's of 00 gauge loco's and then wagons are an after thought but in 7mm its reversed for me now...!


Still impressed with the work being produced in this section of the forum, amazing.



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I share your pain, Jack... my perceived lack of skills makes me nervous about spending big money on a kit I may never manage to complete, or bodge up beyond repair.


All I can suggest is not to try and run before you walk.  Build a few more plastic wagon kits then try a brass one.  Pick up a C&L "Point in a bag" kit and give trackbuilding a go.


But the lack of 7mm rtr - plus the space it all takes up - is causing me endless grief and I just cannot seem to even get a track plan together that fits in the space I have - 12ft x 2ft - which is bigger than some of the excellent layouts featured in this section .  Peco points being 20" or so long really doesn't make life easier either.


I still have a big collection of 4mm stock and I'm desperately fighting the urge to give up and go back to OO.

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Yeah its a pain but your right i'll get used to brass kits first. Then try a lower skilled kit like EB 121 which i reckon i could manage with a little head scratching and swearing.

I quite fancy a small country halt with wagons being shunted in the foreground. With lots of industrial grime and rust.


About to order some of this magic DAS clay looks effective. Was thinking of doing cobbles instead of ground cover near the sidings..


Lets call this project freelancing fun.



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Jack, have a look at the "Osney" thread if you haven't already; single platform terminus with wagons being shunted.  Several very inspirational layouts dotted through that discussion that sound very much like what you're trying to achieve.


I don't know what  time period you're aiming for but the Connoissuer Models (http://www.jimmcgeown.com/) kits have been recommended for beginners.  Something may tickle your fancy.


I've got a half built Mousa Models (http://www.mousa.biz/) Conflat being built as a match wagon in my "to be completed" box - my first ever brass wagon kit and I've had no problems so far.

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Thanks for the links. Some good stuff there.


Yes osney is a big inspiration, as time goes on i'm thinking of planning a trackplan to have somewhere to shunt the wagons i've built.

But once i have thought of a suitable plan, i need to re-motor the lima shunter its now given up the ghost...

I'll investigate further as i like it alot.



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How did the Lima shunter expire?  Is it just the brushes?  If it's at all fixable I'm not sure I'd go to the effort of a complete mechanical rebuild as, IMHO, you'd really have to build a complete chassis for it to make the exercise worthwhile.  In my experience (30 years ago now) the Lima shunter, and its counterpart the Class 33 power bogie, can run quite well if provided with sufficient weight.  What I would do, though, given access to a lathe or availability of suitably sized bushes, is drill out the holes in the plastic chassis and fit brass or bronze axle bearings as, when loaded sufficiently, the thin axles eat their way into the plastic quite quickly, messing up the gear mesh.

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I've never seen any Lima motor unit that expired beyond repair. However I swapped the drive unit from my Lima shunter by a homemade spud from brass, gears from scrapped toys and a coreless motor with gearbox. Lima's will allways run, but shunting on low speed is next to imposible. At least with conventional DC.


Regards, Paul

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Lima's will allways run, but shunting on low speed is next to imposible. At least with conventional DC.


Regards, Paul


I disagree somewhat.  With enough weight (and I do mean a lot) I found the slow running to be pretty good.  Until the axle bearings expired :D.  Maybe I was just less discerning in those days.


Controller was an elderly H&M Duette btw.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really good suggestions there thanks all! I'll see what i can achieve.

Im almost ready to place my order for an EasyBuild 121 DMU after extensive research and watching vidoes etc etc i feel im ready for the challenge. This will also lead into a simple baseboard and trackplan for a BLT. With a rusty wagon or 2 on show.

I'm right on the cusp of something here!! ...




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Hi thanks 66c

I will be sure to pre-order as i dont want to miss out on the 121's if they sell out etc.

They look nice and basic to construct and results look pleasing.


I think a nice addition to my plans.

Although i have stumbled across a supplier for industrial loco kits which also look great.

hunslets and such like (the name slips my memory but i have it saved as a favourite)

Im so enthused about 7mm and feel egar to get started again.



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