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Sample generic 5 plank wagon for Peco 10ft chassis

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This is a generic five plank wagon shell I produced while testing some of my drawing tools and teaching them how to make open wagons. It drops onto a Peco N gauge 10ft chassis.


There is a lot of detail missing (rivets etc) but it should give people a basis to play around and generate things to sit on the Peco chassis.




(I had to put the stl itself on Shapeways, RMweb gives me an 'not permitted to upload this kind of file' if I attach it to a post).


It's licensed CC-BY-NC-SA. That is you can download it, change it and share and distribute your changes non commercially, but you can't stop anyone else doing likewise with the changed version.


Hopefully it'll encourage a few people to have a go !


Generic 5 plank





Floor/coupling pegs only





Very basic shunters wagon using a cut down brake van chassis. Would need the toolbox detailing etc to be actually useful





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