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Adventures in Kato unitrack

Gloucester Road

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Another project so a seperate thread, here is what was posted in my Adventures in code 55 thread.


Slightly different idea tonight


As my unemployment continues I've been looking at other things I enjoy doing; cycling and model trains are top of the list. So I've played with the idea of doing cycling tours here in NH and building small and/or modular custom layouts. I'm under no illusion of making a living but some additional income once work resumes.


So Kato track, a starter set and lumber was purchased. I went with Kato track as it snaps together sort of how I envision modules doing. Also if layouts were for kids the track might prove a bit more durable and play friendly.


Following 'n track' and 't trak' guidelines I put these modules together.




They do snap together very well; my boys, 7 and 10 have been able to assemble the layout with ease. There is a quarter of an inch gap between the modules to aid in snapping together of the scenes, this can be covered by my static grass mats.




Here is a rough drop on oval backscene.




Pop out a module and drop in another one, this one will be enclosed in a diorama fashion with bridge across a stream/river.




Now one complaint with Kato track is the shiny look and unrealistic look, but with some weathering and paint it doesn't look bad. Here are from back to front plain, black weathered, and rust weathered. Dont think it looks to bad.




So will work on these along with my main layout and see how it goes.



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Have a look here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/41847-experiments-with-n-gauge-ballast/


I found Kato can be easily ballasted neatly. Scroll down to final method using pva pin applicator.


Watching progress with interest.

Just read through that, interesting and very well done. Will have to try it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All has not been quiet on the modules. Grass, trees and Harrisons Hardware have all been established.


The static grass was made using my method of making grass mats off the layout and then placing them insitu and blending them in. A description can be found in my code 55 thread.


The tree and building are from woodland scenics, and the pickup is an Altas product.


The module was taken outside and photographs were taken under natural light. First are some overall shots followed by some closeups.

















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