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scratchbuilding 7mm class 153


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Hi all.

I have drawn up plans to build a representation of a class 153 DMU.

So far i have built cab end No:1 with the headlights in the mid posotion (as appose to No:2 with lower set lights.)


And 1 body side. Made from 20thou plasticard. It will later be strengthened.

I took measurmelants from the prototype and also a 4mm Hornby version to get the position of windows correct.

Once the body is done i can start to think about the chassis. But first need to find an appropriate material for this.

-whitemetal parts from Peter clark will purchased to complete, such as bogie frames, BSI couplers, air hornes, headlights, windscreen wipers, roof mounted radio pods and seating.


So far i have made one set of snow ploughs/object deflectors.

The 153 will be motorrised using an oppropriate motor/grears etc.




Thats all for now...it seems a little ambitious but im finding it all fits nicely together.

I'll post up some prototype photos aswel.




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Finally, here's an explanation of the photographs:


Side1 – No. 1 end to left

             No. 2 end to right


Photo 1A         Air suspension air surge reservoir and fuel tank.  NB There is a lot of empty space here – the only reason it is dark is because there is a platform the other side.


          1B         Fuel tank, various gubbins and air filter to right (with pipe running out of it).


          1C         Air filter to left, diesel engine and exhaust pipe to silencer.


          1D         Exhaust pipe and silencer


          1E          Exhaust pipe and air suspension air surge reservoir.


Side 2 – No 2 end to left

              No 1 end to right


Photo 2A         This is the powered bogie and the gearbox can just been seen in the shadows. Air suspension air surge reservoir to right of bogie.


          2B         Gearbox to left, radiator grille and coolant group, diesel engine and battery box to right.


          2C         Battery box


          2D         Fuel tank with tanks either side – purpose unknown. Air suspension air surge reservoir to right.


          2E          Similar to 2D.


Photo 3            Side view of snowplough


Photo 4            Rear view of snowplough, No 1 end side 1


Photo 5            No 2 end side 1


Photo 6            No 2 end side 2


Photo 7            No 1 end side 1


Photo 8            No 1 end side 2

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Chris thankyou for taking the time and posting those pictures backed with information very useful and appreciated.

That really is a grubby 153 lots of ideas for weathering / livery there. Although a long way off.

Hopefully i can replicate the window frames closley too.


Thanks again!



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