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Thorncombe Modelex 2013


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Early notification that this year’s exhibition, organised by the Thorncombe Rail Activities Club (TRAC) and sponsored by Peco and Buffers Model Railways, will be on Saturday 9th November in the Village Hall and the adjacent School, Church St., Thorncombe, Dorset.  Postcode for your SatNav is TA20 4NE

(Please note that we’ve changed from our familiar slot on the first Saturday in the month to the second for this & subsequent years due to circumstances beyond our control.)


The show will be open from 10:00 – 16:30, with the formal opening performed this year by the Rt. Hon. Oliver Letwin, Cabinet Minister & MP for West Dorset.


Admission is £3 for adults  -  no charge for youngsters & TRAC members.

As always, any operating profit on the day will be donated to railway-based charities.


Regular visitors will know that this is a friendly & informal show, with some high-quality modelling on view.  At the time of writing, we have 15 layouts confirmed, as follows:


Layout name                             Scale/gauge                    Builder(s)


Beaminster                                00                                   Chard MRG

Brimscombe                              N                                    Shirehampton MRC

Chalworth                                 0                                     Phil Dawling

Earl's Court                               00                                   Terry Tew

Hobbiton End                           5.5mm-ish / 9                 Simon Addelsee

Lindon Road                            00                                   John Long

Malix                                         H0m                               Mervyn Kendall

Park End Tramway                   00                                   Bob Pritchard

Red Mountain Quarry              0n9                                 Richard Slate

Ryan's Mill                                SM32                             Alan Eadle

Scilly Point                               009                                 Geoff Broadhurst

Spenridge Road                        00                                   Steve Spencer

Tennessee Extraction Co.         0n30                               Paul Davis

Yard Shunter                            00                                   Ray Norwood

Yeoton Wharf                           3mm / 14.2 & 21            Nick Salzman


There will also be a small static display of large-scale live steam locos and trade support for new & pre-owned models, also books & railwayana.


There’s plenty of free parking and the show is wheelchair-friendly.

Regular visitors will also remember Brenda’s home-made cakes which, of course, will be available for a pittance again this year, along with the usual lunches, snacks & light refreshments.  The ever-popular raffle will, hopefully, be another fund-raiser.


Contrary to popular opinion, it isn’t that difficult to find Thorncombe, but don’t be put off if you find yourself down a lane with overhanging trees & grass growing in the middle.

As one of our regular visitors said, head for the back of beyond & just before you get there turn off towards the middle of nowhere.  The Village Hall is straight in front of you!


For further information about TRAC, google “traclubsite”.



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  • RMweb Gold

Looking forward to the show Graham and to bring along Red Mountain. I've been making a couple of new wagons today, hopefully get finished tomorrow and then maybe start something new...

I'll be helping out on Yard Shunter as well.


We came along as visitors last year and thoroughly enjoyed the relaxed atmoshere and great layouts on show. Well worth a visit!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Graham

Looking forward to bringing Spenridge Road to your show as the saying go's its getting there.This is what i will be doing from sunday for two weeks :sungum: & plenty of :drinks: & this colour :angry: see you on the 9th Nov.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a couple of weeks to go now, so time for an update.


We're fortunate in that the School have been able to offer us another room, so we can spread out a bit more and also bring in some extra attractions.


In addition to the layouts listed above, Tormouth Quay (4mm, 00) will be back after a gap of 2 or 3 years, complete with its new "guillotine" lighting fascia.  Because of other commitments for the usual team, we will be relying largely on "guest operators" this year.  If you're going to the show and want to take over the controls for a while, please come and say "hello".


SWOONS (south-west 009 society) will have a much larger presence, with their own display area within the exhibition.  No precise details at the moment, but it may include a couple of 009 micro layouts.  Whatever your own scale/guage preference, it's always worth spending some time looking at their work.


On the trade front, Lynne (and probably Maria) from Buffers will be bringing "something a little different" - their words, not mine - to the proceedings.  It's anyone's guess what they have in mind, but perhaps we'd all be advised to "be afraid, be very afraid", especially considering the proximity to halloween  .  .  .  .

Bob Jones and his wife will be joining us for the first time.  Familiar faces at toyfairs but relative newcomers to the exhibition circuit, they will be bringing a selection of r-t-r items and an excellent range of books, all at unbeatable prices.

Another first-timer at Thorncombe is David Luesby from Yeovil.  David is trying to raise funds to finance a modelling group for youngsters in the area and will have a selection of second-hand bits & pieces for sale.  It's a very worthwhile cause, so please support him if you can.  He's also a good person to talk to if you're a newcomer to the hobby and you want to know "how can I .  .  . ?"  or  "where can I get  .  .  . ?"  or  "what does that mean?"  etc.


Regular visitors will know that Peco have supported us very well over the years and this time we have another new (for Thorncombe) feature.  Former chief product designer Bob Phelps, now retired (allegedly - he's only working 3 days a week now!) has agreed to man a demonstration stand for us.  Readers of Railway and/or Continental Modeller will be familiar with pictures of Bob's hands in many of the in-house construction features.  Here's your opportunity to see the rest of him!  Bob has a wealth of experience in the hobby, which he's always willing to share.


That's it for now.  Another couple of possibilities in the pipeline, but still unconfirmed.  Further details as & when.


So, 10:00 – 16:30, Saturday 9th November in the Village Hall and the adjacent School, Church St., Thorncombe, Dorset.  Postcode for your SatNav is TA20 4NE

Admission £3 for adults - no charge for youngsters & TRAC members and any operating profit on the day donated to railway-based charities.

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Hi Graham


I hope the preparations for the show are going well, and I'm hoping to be there all being well. Now that you're in charge -  the "Scout Master" as it were, how will I recognise you? Will you be wearing khaki shorts and playing with your woggle?





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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Graham


I hope the preparations for the show are going well, and I'm hoping to be there all being well. Now that you're in charge -  the "Scout Master" as it were, how will I recognise you? Will you be wearing khaki shorts and playing with your woggle?





Careful now, this is a family show ....

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Now that you're in charge -  the "Scout Master" as it were, how will I recognise you? Will you be wearing khaki shorts and playing with your woggle?



That's right, grampy - I'll look just the same as I always do.  Some things never change!


Talking about changing, how are you getting on with the nappies?  Remember how to do them?

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Dave - yes, should be good but then I would say that, wouldn't I?  Don't think anyone can deny it's a good mix of layouts with one or two really quirky ones!

Will you be able to get over at all? I know you had other family commitments for at least part of the day.


A couple of enforced & unavoidable last minute changes which I'll detail shortly, but we've been able to replace quality with quality, so I'm still happy!


2nd Saturday in November is now the "usual" weekend, so next year it will be the 8th.

Taunton moved on a week last year so Weymouth did the same to avoid a clash.  We decided to do the same thing so Weymouth didn't clash with us either (insert smiley-face thingy here!).

Don't I remember you saying that I could pencil you in for next year?

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A couple of late changes, but hopefully not enough to put off anyone who was thinking of coming.


John Long has not been well for a little while, so "Lindon Road" won't be putting in an appearance until next year.  Get well soon, John - we'll miss not having you there.

However, we've been fortunate enough to find a replacement in "Corris 1930" - thanks to Geoff Broadhurst & Rod Allcock for stepping in at short notice.

Those of you who've seen Corris before will know what a superb piece of work it is.


Also, due to a misunderstanding - probably my premature(?) senility raising its head again! - "Chalworth" won't be with us.  Phil Dawling will still be there, but he'll be bringing "Rosedale" instead.


The Peco team will be bringing some additional display material, including samples of the new Lynton & Barnstaple 009 rolling stock, and Bob Phelps will be joined by two other partners in crime on his demonstration stand.


We've built up a reputation over the last few years as a friendly, informal show with some high-quality exhibits.  This year will be no exception, so if you're anywhere near the Somerset/Dorset/Devon border, please come along & join us for at least part of the day.  Buy a raffle ticket (or 10) and enjoy a good, cheap lunch.

We're open from 10 - 4:30 in Thorncombe Village Hall & the adjacent School.  Postcode TA20 4NE.

It's only £3 - kids are free, as is parking - with any operating profit on the day going to railway charities.

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Wish I was down this weekend visiting family and I'd have come along.


Good to see Chard MRG is still going, I was a member there until 1997 when I moved away, I doubt if anyone there now remembers me as it's been so long.


If you can let us know the 2014 date as soon as possible I will try and rearrange my visits "home" so one coincides with your show. 


I hope there isn't too much rain tonight, and the Axe behaves itself.

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  • RMweb Premium

2nd Saturday in November is now the "usual" weekend, so next year it will be the 8th.

Taunton moved on a week last year so Weymouth did the same to avoid a clash.  We decided to do the same thing so Weymouth didn't clash with us either (insert smiley-face thingy here!).

Don't I remember you saying that I could pencil you in for next year?

Yes Graham, please do.  And you wanted me to bring Charmouth didn't you?

Cheers, Dave.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks to all at TRAC and the exhibitors and traders for a very enjoyable show. It just seems to get better every year.


I live only about 15 miles away but it would be worth a much longer drive! 


The car parks were already full when I arrived before eleven and there was enough to keep me interested until after four.


There aren't many one-day shows that go into my diary automatically, but Thorncombe is definitely one of them.


Special thanks to Terry (Earls Court) for much useful information on Dynamis, sound etc.



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Great show, well worth the 450 mile round trip from West Wales! 


Can I claim the prize for travelling the furthest distance Graham?  :-)


Had a great time and lovely to meet Graham, Richard and Brenda again after many years. I was a founder member of TRAC and on the first committee, but we moved away from Devon almost 10 years ago, so this was the first show I have attended.


Nice to meet some really great people, but a particularly nice to bump into an old workmate who I haven't seen for about 8 years. By pure chance he decided to visit the show on a spur of the moment and saw me operating Tormouth Quay and we had a mega catch up session!


Anyway, a great show and hope to make another one in the future.


Now off on another long drive to go to a event in Swansea, another 150 miles on the clock!

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