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Unable to post links in posts.

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is anyone else having difficulties posting links within a post.  This has just started to happen, I can copy a link and it will post down onto a "windows word" page but not into a post on here.  Unless I'm doing it wrong something has gone awry.




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You need to ensure the url is complete




doesn't work it requires the 'http://' bit


also beware shortened urls http://www.thesite.com/..etc they appear to work but don't as the editor thinks they are and encloses the plain text in

bbcode brackets.


Windows Word is probably using some additional encoding - best to use a plain text editor like notepad.

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Nope nothing seems to work for me not even ctrl + V nothing shows at all.   my right click PASTE is also greyed out.


I can post links on the GOG forums and the link I copy off here will post down onto a Word doc so either something is set incorrectly with my posting system on here or something is awry.

I've cursor-ed all the edit headings and all seem correct.  I can even copy a link off here and post that onto the GOG forum, but that's not where I want to post it.


It's a pain.

Thanks gents


I think this needs Martín Wynne to investigate. :sungum:



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Sorted - it seems I had activated or de-activated the first button top line when posting, it says {BBCode Mode} on it.

I can now post links.


I had noticed that Kenton had mentioned this but I took it to refer to what he had written just before it.


Test >>> http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/15931-bury-thorn-sons/


See all good now.



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I cannot seem to post links today. The floating dialogue box comes up, and I paste the URL into the correct form field, but clicking 'OK' does nothing. In fact, clicking 'Cancel' and 'Close' does nothing either. I have to use the back button on the browser to get out, thereby losing my post.


More to the point, I cannot paste anything into the comment box at all.

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Truffy see my post #7 above. I had the same problem and all I did was as I said above, to repeat.  When writing a post you get a menu bar above with various buttons on it, the first button the one with a "n" in it is the button I pressed.  Afterwards I found I could post links, I also have just recently installed ie11.  It does something to the text format but it does let you post links, do it just before you post a link and see.
Is it not thought worthy of investigation by the technical team.

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Hi Barnaby, thank you for your reply, but I'm not sure that your fix works for me.


The button with the 'n' is supposed to look like a flick-switch, and it turns the formatting bar on and off (buttons become faded and cannot be used).


The problem as I have it is this: when the menu bar is active I can use text formatting but I cannot paste into the reply box and the 'floating palettes' (for links, images etc.) do not work; when the menu bar is inactive I can paste into this reply box (ta-daa! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/77358-unable-to-post-links-in-posts/), but URLs and images won't work.


I guess I'll just have to post from my Mac if I want to add images or URLs.


Edit: Aha! It appears that the forum uses BBEncode, in which case I can probably kludge it! The forum software will automatically set an URL to be clickable, but I will have to resort to BBE if I want text to be a link or to add an image. Or use the Mac.

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Lol my head hurts truffy I've been trying other browsers to see what happens [ta daaaa! nope nothing until I press "n" again 2x taa daaaaa! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/77358-unable-to-post-links-in-posts/&do=findComment&comment=1201838.


Pressing the "n" button makes my text font change to something different but it allows me to post links If I press the "n" button again my printed text reverts back to normal but the link still shows but I can't post any additional links unless I press the "n" button again.

Can one of you PC wizards give me a clue [only been like this since ie11.]

As truffy says I can get by but it is very KLUDGEY.

PS what does the special bb code button do. I also can't change text colour and I can't see the pre-view button before posting?



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The BB code button switches the editor between plain text and WYSIWYG. But I guess the WYSIWYG editor is knackered under IE11. Bloody Windows 8, if it wasn't such a hassle I'd upgrade to version 7.


Pasted URL: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/77358-unable-to-post-links-in-posts/&do=findComment&comment=1202281


Attempt at text link

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