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Only just found this thread,
and if I wasn't already "sold" on micro layouts - this would sway me in that direction

There are some lovely touches to this smashing scene
I too like the culvert - must be something peculiar to railway modellers ;)
By adding a bit more vertical detail, it somehow adds depth to the scene...

What I do like, is that although this is really quite small,
you have managed to make it look more spacious than it actually is

The level crossing gate convinces the viewer that there is more railway,

beyond the confines of the baseboard - and you could easily add an extension here, in future

Really nice
Glad I stumbled across this thread, thanks for sharing :)


EDIT: I also meant to add that I like overgrown, rusty, disused lines
We don't see enough of them modeled in my opinion
Looking through your earlier posts, it almost looks as if it won't work,
and that there is too much trackwork in a small space
However, now you have rusted it and covered it in weeds - it looks great
.... another nice touch!

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Marc, Alan,

Thanks for your comments

To be continued...

To be continued?

Oh, yes please :)


Can we see some more photos? Please.....


I also meant to say earlier, that I like the way you seem to keep stock on the layout to a minimum

That always helps maintain the feeling of space


I know there are those who would argue against this,

but I always feel that because of its' size, the detail of 7mm stock does draw the onlooker in more....


Cheers again


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all of you,


What do think about this tree ?




I'm looking for Gordon Gravett book about modelling trees but it is currently unavailable.


I'm doing it with sagebrush tree and Mini Natur Foliage.


Comments welcome

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