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Kirk / CooperCraft Gresley Bogies


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I've just started to put together last years (!) Christmas pressy which is a LNER Kirk 3rd sleeper. This being the first Kirk kit I've built, I've run into a problem.


The bogies have a lot more parts than the instructions mention. Indeed the instructions just mention the sideframes and the main 'bolster' and nothing esle, yet the spures have end frames and little bits which I presume are for representing the bolster, but I have no-idea where they all go.


Does anyone know?




Andy G

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Sadly can't put any pictures up at the minute (works pc won't allow it) but I'll take some photos later to show.


The main parts of the bogie look easy enough, but what are the other bits for?


Andy g

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I first produced 00 Gresley bogies in 1975. The mould tools were machined from hard brass blocks. So many kits have been produced over the years that there have been several refurbishments and at least three completely new sets of moulds. At the peak, in the late 1980s when the Gresley corridors were new we were producing 600 a week. Each kit required 4 shots of the bogie mould so eventually they wore out. I do not recognise the assembly/arrangement shown above. I sold the range to Colin Ashby in the early 90s and I do not think that he produced a new mould. He sold the range on again to Tony Brown (the former owner of Coopercraft/Mailcoach)who may have made the current moulds. He certainly produced his own moulds for the 8ft bogie and the matchboarded Full Brake. Could be someone forgot to upgrade the instructions.


best wishes,



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Does anyone know where I can get cast (or sprung!) LNER buffers from which would go on Gresley carriages please? Also Does anyone have any pictures of the Dia 95 sleeper that shows the pipe that runs along the solebar. Is this pipe on both sides or just one?




Andy G

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Does anyone know where I can get cast (or sprung!) LNER buffers from which would go on Gresley carriages please? Also Does anyone have any pictures of the Dia 95 sleeper that shows the pipe that runs along the solebar. Is this pipe on both sides or just one?




Andy G



LNER working sprung clipped top buffers are available from Markits. They are not cheap but are of excellent quality.

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4mm. I can say that the bogies are now complete (I've even taken the bead around the lower side of the frame off so that it has the radius that the steel pressing had....)


Andy G

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4mm. I can say that the bogies are now complete (I've even taken the bead around the lower side of the frame off so that it has the radius that the steel pressing had....)


Andy G

That would seem to confirm that this is from a new mould produced by someone else as all of the moulds I produced had a radius on the bottom edges ( I machined that bit of the mould with a round nosed cutter. That includes the O gauge ones that I still do which are in effect a scaled up version of the last 4mm one I did but without the coupling pocket on the bogie base moulding. Somewhere I have a letter from Airfix GMR authorising me to copy the coupling pocket to accept the Airfix version of the Triang type coupling which was at that time readily available. Ancient history now but all of the bogies I produced in the last few years before I sold the business on had a square pocket type coupling mount and a kind of square headed plastic "rivet" which cemented in to hold the coupler in place.


best wishes,



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