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Alex TM

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Hi folks,


Can anyone tell me if any of the above locomotive class were ever painted plain black in either Southern or British Railways days?


I have found pictures that seem to show the class in Maunsell lined green or British Railways lined livery but beyond a picture of a works based loco I cannot seem to find any of the class in revenue service in plain black.


The reason for the question is that I would like to add a Terrier to my small group of ex-LBSC locos and thought that one in a plain livery would be good alongside a lined one.


Many thanks in advance fr any help with this.





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Page 66 of "Portrait of the Terriers" by Handel Kardas shows the former "Fulham" in July 1948 as 32644, with "British Railways" in psuedo-sunshine lettering on the tank sides, in what looks like BR Black. As 32644 was withdrawn in 1951, not sure if it ever carried this livery outside of Brighton works..

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Hi John,


Thanks for the reference.  I'll see what I can find online with that loco number.  I'm also hoping to see a couple of the more useful book dealers in February so I'll keep an eye open for that volume too.





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Strictly speaking, 32644 was in Bulleid goods engine unlined black once repainted in July 1948, hence the "sunshine" lettering, but, of course, you can't really tell the difference. It was allocated to Ashford (for the K&ESR) until withdrawn in 1951.


The only A1X Terrier painted BR unlined black was DS681 which wouldn't normally have ever been seen in ordinary traffic.

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Well yes, but on the Isle of Wight:




The photo at the bottom of the page shows W8 at Eastleigh, and apparently it did work like that on the mainland; there may have been others. In common with other Island Terriers it had a larger bunker fitted which the Dapol/Hornby version won't do without modification (though the 7mm kits do cater for this I think). I've no idea whether you can get the appropriate lettering in transfer form however.



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Hi Alex,


On it's return from the IOW 32646 was in unlined black. First with full sunshine British Railways then later with the early BR crest. It ran in this condition until February 1958, when overhauled at Brighton and turned out in lined black. It was in full IOW condition with extended bunker and front sandboxes combined with the splashers. There are pictures of it in the J J Smith collection in the Bluebell Railway photo archive. Sorry but I don't know how to post a link. Hope this helps.


Cheers for now, Ian

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Plain  black  would  have  been  common  during  WW2  and  just  after,

It  was  introduced  as  an  austerity  measure  on loco  repaints  avoiding  expending  man  hours  on  lining  out.

Certalnly  on  the  IOW  W8  was  black  as  mentioned  above  and remained  so  during  early  post war  years

Lettering  would  be  Bullied  "Sunshine"  style  yellow  shaded  in  Green,  initially  "Southern"  then  changed   to  "British  Railways"

At  Ryde   works  lining  was  abanded  in  October  1939  but  any  repaints  were  still  Olive  Green,  the  colour  then  changed  to  Black  in  April  1941.  The  new  Malachite  green  was  introduced  with  lining  towards  the wars  end.

In 1946  the  islands  3  remaining  Terriers  were  all  different!

W8  in  unlined  black,  W11  in  unlined  Olive  Green  and  W13  in  full  lined  Malachite.

I  am  sure  a  similar  mix  would  have  occured  on  mainland  terriers  although  W13  was  the  only  one  to  carry  Malachite  and  it  retained  this  for  some  time  after  return  to  the  mainland.

Note:  The  KESR  Terrier  "Bodiam"  was  also  painted  in  Malachite  following  repairs  by  the  SR  but  did  not  receive  the  sunshine  lettering.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi folks,


Thanks for all the helpful responses.  I like the idea of the 'Sunshine' shaded lettering.  At present I have an umber liveried E2, and am hoping to collect another one plus a terrier this Saturday.  I hope to detail them and do both the A1x and one of the E2s in this livery; the other E2 will probably go into the earlier Southern font.  Another A1x will be in lined pre-war green.


Once more, many thanks for the information and references.





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