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Help me identifying this brass loco.

M Graff

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I posted this in overseas as well....

I got this HO scale loco:


It is a 2-6-4? tank, but what make?

I first thought Tenshodo, but it differs too much from the ones I have....

Even the origin of the prototype eludes me.

USA? Japan?


I will repair it, and build a new boggie for it, but I need to know how it should look.

Thanks in advance.

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I would think it is unlikely to be a US prototype.


It would appear to have been a knucle-coupler equipped loco from the fact there is a cut lever on the front. That also looks like condensing tubes on the boiler, so perhaps somewhere hot?



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It's a C10. The model is 1/80th scale for 16.5mm gauge track, so it's No.16 scale not HOj. They're not particularly rare, you often see them come up on Yahoo Japan auctions.


The cylindrical fittings on either side of the boiler were experimental feedwater heaters. Some of the initial batch of C11s were also fitted with them.


Of the 23 engines built, only one survives. C108 is preserved in working order by the Oigawa Tetsudo.



If you need drawings of the trailing truck I have some I can send you.


All the best,



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That's a handsome locomotive!


I think so too, but then I'm biased!  :D


A few years back I visited the Oigawa Railway, and spent some time on the footplate of C108. It was a very capable loco, and like all JNR standard classes the cab was very well designed and "user friendly". 


If you're ever in Japan, the Oigawa Rly is well worth visiting.



Also seen in this video is one of three Seibu Railway E31 class Bo-Bo ELs that were transferred to the Oigawa in 2010.


All the best,



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Now I have some very interesting work ahead of me.


Michael, rather than scratchbuilding a complete new trailing truck, you might consider using the whitemetal truck frame castings made by AMB for their GE steeplecab kits. They're very similar to the type used on the C10s, and would save you a lot of work. The wheelbase is slightly longer than the C10 trailing truck, but I doubt anyone would notice. I won't tell anyone if you don't!  :D




All the best,



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The cab-forward truck would be close, although its wheelbase is about a scale foot too long.


The Standard C-80 truck is very different in appearance, the frames and equalizer are a pressing.




I'm surprised that the postage cost was so high for the AMB products. I recently bought a number of their traction parts - the cost of postage was reasonable. But then, I'm in Australia, not Sweden.





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Yes, the postage for some items that fit in the smallest jiffy bag should NOT cost $ 25!

Considering that the brass Dreyfus Hudson I bought a few weeks ago cost exactly that to ship from the US to Sweden....

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