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Compton Quay (00 gauge), Micro Layout


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 Whilst half way through construction on Compton Martin my main exhibition layout (Click here to see topic on it http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/77930-compton-martin-00-gauge/) I realised that it would not be totally complete for the first exhibition I had planned for it. Not only that the layout was slightly larger than first planned and although it would fit in an average sized car, it would most likely have trouble getting it in my first car (when I pass my test that is :jester: ). We where having a bit of a clear out when I stumbled a cross an old broken Ikea book shelf which due to be thrown out. Instantly looking at one of the shelves I thought "That would make a prefect base for a micro layout"! So I save some of the shelves and some piece of the thin MDF backing. I always liked the idea of a micro layout which could fit on a shelf or in this case can be transported in one section, easily sorted and could stand on a ironing board at exhibitions! :jester:  

 I instantly knew what sort of setting I wanted the layout to have, Dock Side. Living near Bristol I have always had fond memories of the Bristol Harbour Railway, also Chris Nevard's Brewhouse Quay was a massive inspiration.


The main base for the layout and the piece that separates the fiddle yard is 1 (and a bit) of the shelves from the old book shelf, whilst the back scenes and  fiddle yard sides are made from the thin MDF back pieces I saved. The layout consists of two dock side sidings, with a low-relief warehouse,  dock gate house and an engine room building (which is used as a pumping house for the dock itself).  After the success of the cobbles on Compton Martin's Goods Yard I decided that the whole layout would be cobbled, giving it that old industrial revolution feel. I named it Compton Quay after so many people asked on YouTube from watching my updates on Compton Martin if I would name it after it, so Compton Quay was born! :locomotive: 


 Compton Quay has been to two exhibitions so far, the first being the East Somerset's Models and Miniatures Event back in September of 2013 and of course the Compton Martin Model Railway Exhibition I organized on November the 3rd.


 Here are a few videos of the layout including some of the updates whilst building it and some of the layout in action at exhibitions or at home (I will take some pictures of it showing it in more detail when I get it down next). Hope you enjoy! :locomotive: 



















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Very nice indeed, a lovely micro project, and i love a good small layout.


Great job



Thanks Neil! It sure was a fun layout to create and of course operate! Great for all my little shunters and tank engines! :locomotive:Ironically because of it's small size and being very easy to transport, I'm sure it will be going to more exhibition than my main exhibition layout Compton Martin, which I worked my socks off on! :jester: Will need a big car for that one though! :jester: 

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Thanks Neil! It sure was a fun layout to create and of course operate! Great for all my little shunters and tank engines! :locomotive:Ironically because of it's small size and being very easy to transport, I'm sure it will be going to more exhibition than my main exhibition layout Compton Martin, which I worked my socks off on! :jester: Will need a big car for that one though! :jester: 

i would love to see it an a show, keep us updated on any it attends

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i would love to see it an a show, keep us updated on any it attends

Thanks again Neil! I plan to organize another Compton Martin Model Railway Exhibition this coming summer (around July/Augs). At the moment 17 layout say they would like to come! And as of the moment like last year it will be FREE ENTRY! :locomotive: Not sure if I will be taking Compton Quay to this one, but I will be definitely taking my main exhibition layout Compton Martin (see link http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/77930-compton-martin-00-gauge/). Here is a video of last years event (the first ever) all arranged by me, we had 7 layout and Signals Models Trade Stand. Many of the layouts came for quite a distance to get to the exhibition including Poole, Birmingham and even Coventry! :boast: Next year two layout plan to come from Yorkshire and even Scotland! Here's a video of last years event, featuring some a few brief clips of Compton Quay being operated by a friend, as I was operating Compton Martin. Hope you enjoy!



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Thats excellent, where abouts is the exhibition held?

I have been thinking of doing that kind of thing over here too, as i have exhibition layouts and i think my area could do with another show.

If its not far travel wise i am sure i can offer up my Werrington Road layout.



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Thats excellent, where abouts is the exhibition held?

I have been thinking of doing that kind of thing over here too, as i have exhibition layouts and i think my area could do with another show.

If its not far travel wise i am sure i can offer up my Werrington Road layout.



It is in a little village call Compton Martin in Somerset, Google Map might give more help to it's location. It was held in restaurant/function rooms there, where I work. Great place. 

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Such a brilliant layout! My Jealousy levels have gone through the roof.....again!

Glad you like it that much mate! I really enjoy using it too. I have used it more than Compton Martin! :O Which is sort a shame.

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Glad you like it that much mate! I really enjoy using it too. I have used it more than Compton Martin! :O Which is sort a shame.

Wow! :O Not really surprising as Compton Martin is quite a sizable layout and there's a lack of areas suitable to run it!

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Yes, though I could run it on the floor in the loft, but though wrong! :jester: 

I've got WL MK1 Set up under my bed, which is where WL MK2 will go! I'll try and sell MK1 to my cousin

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Some pictures of the Compton Quay getting ready for the Compton Martin Model Railway Exhibition, back in November 2013. Sadly she did sustain some damage during transit to the event (fiddle yard wall above the signs). Lucky it is not to bad and can be easily replaced at a future date.   






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Damage was caused by Compton Martin falling on it! Looked superb even with the unexpected modifications! ;) How did you make the grass tufts?

I will sort that out one day. As for the tufts a blob of PVA glue on a biscuit tin lid, than applied a blend of 6mm static grass with my static grass applicator.  

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Saw this on Youtube as soon as I saw it appear in my Subscriptions box! A Brilliant review, well done mate! You have persuaded me, I must get one! However, I can't afford it at the mo, I've just bought a load of wood! :jester:

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Saw this on Youtube as soon as I saw it appear in my Subscriptions box! A Brilliant review, well done mate! You have persuaded me, I must get one! However, I can't afford it at the mo, I've just bought a load of wood! :jester:

Thanks mate! Well there not due back in stock until Feb anyway so you have some time! :jester: 

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Thanks mate! Well there not due back in stock until Feb anyway so you have some time! :jester: 

I have £64


I need to get track, static grass, a SG Applicator, more wood, Heavy duty clamps and now a Sentinel! :jester:

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 Another review of one of the little engines that see's lots of service on Compton Quay. :locomotive:  This time it is of 'Flash' my little Jouef 030 Continental Tank Engine. I just love the look of this quirky little loco and it's very close resemblance to an industrial loco, plus that amazing linkage which UK RTR tank engines of this size never seem to have! :jester: The review was filmed last year, whilst constructing my main exhibition layout Compton Martin and she can be seen operating on it. Shortly after this I started Compton Quay, which I design around this loco! :declare:Hope you enjoy!



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