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Isle of Man Caledonia kit

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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening all

I have been passed my late friend Richards modelling bits and pieces among which is a almost complete built kit in 4 mm of the Isle of Man Caledonia. I think this is a Branchlines kit, it runs ok but I need to find out how you secure the connecting rods to the crankpins. I have been searching the web but with no luck so far. Has anyone out there built one of these kits and be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help with this.

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Hi Mike


The answer depends on the type of wheel fitted. If there is a sort of nut visible on the axle end them this is a Romford type and you will probably have a plain crankpin. The idea is that you solder a small washer on to decure the rods and then trim the crankpin to length. These can be had from a variety of people including Branchlines themselves. If there's a screw thread visible you will need a bush and a suitable nut. A picture would help determine which.


Hope this helps




PS: crankpins are fairly generic things and Caledonia won't have anything different. Your thread title is a little misleading in that respect (you can change it by going to 'Edit' then 'use ful editor' on your first post.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Adam, that's answered my question they are romford. I will have a hunt for the washers, lots of odd bits in the box I found the loco in but wanted to make sure I got it right, only chassis I had done before was 7mm and had treaded crank pins



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