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Hi.<br />Attaching two more signal box diagrams.  The first is Hirstwood.  It had a 16 lever frame including one spare.  I see I failed to number the ground signal controlling the setting back move through number 6 points, it should be numbered 5.  The two ground signals 8 and11 had yellow aspects and could be passed for shunting purposes when in the on position. Note the odd track layout of the sidings. at number 12 points.  There was a couple of works served by the yard.  Scot motor cycles was one, those old enough will remember their distinctive exhaust sound. There was also a firm whose name escapes me who made transmission belts.  These belts stick in my mind as there was a trip working to the yard usually just one open wagon and a brake van. At best the load would be several of the belts.  Off to the left was Saltaire station and signal box not part of the R.D. roster, and of course the mill and village where I was born.  60 Titus Street,  No plaque on the house. The village was no Port Sunlight or Bournville.  Most of the 850 houses were terraced but were a vast improvement on the slums of Bradford.  The concept of Saltaire is worth following if you are interested.  If any of you have the Model Railway News for February 1966 I had an article in it regarding the Station and some background information on the village and it's founder.  The mill was served on the south side by the railway and on the north side by the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.  I see there is a program on Channel 4 on Saturday (tomorrow) on the Canal, though it seems it may be on the Lancashire side of it..I can remember horse drawn barges on it.  There was a second  mill built at a later time at the north side of the canal. It was just served by the canal.  Coal for this mill was shovelled out of barges into a grill in the tow path and fell into a bucket chain which conveyed it to the boiler house.  This mill is now offices and apartments.  Just north of Saltaire  was Shipley Glen, know as the lungs of Bradford.  It had, still has a little cabled hauled tramway and I am attaching a photo of it.<br />The second box is Bingley Station..It had a 50 lever frame including 6 spares.  It's not to clear in the diagram re the four tracks going north at the left end.  Reading top to bottom they are- Up Goods,  Up Main, Down Fast and Down Slow.  if you will forgive me  this will become clear in the next posting.  The sidings leading off to the right beyond 45,46 and 47 ground signals led to the timber firm Magnet.  Most of the timber used to to come to Hull from Sweden. At Hull it was loaded onto standard four wheel open wagons, often 30 at a time. for conveying to Bingley.  .If other traffic allowed it could be reversed in to the Magnet siding .straight off the main line. .This was not a speedy move and took time to organise with the train crew  .  Option two was to run the train onto the Down Slow line and then set back into the Magnet yard via the down siding. This was a move that could be organised with the train crew and the Station Master and when traffic on the main lines allowed was a more speedy move. This was not a daily occurrence, thank goodness. More next time.  Derek


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