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Hi Simon,


No need to apologise, I am just very grateful of the help and advice. I will pop down to Squires on Friday and stock up with the diodes and also the correct micro switches that the Scale four society recommend for their lever frames.


Hopefully I will be able to escape from some of the chores my Wife has planned for me this weekend, and warm up the soldering iron instead.





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  • 2 weeks later...

This template is for the first turnout on the scenic side of the layout, it will be part of the loop through the station area. Since I took the photo I have laid the sleepers and also the first length of rail, hopefully I will have some time over the weekend to finish it off.







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  • 2 weeks later...

This template is for the first turnout on the scenic side of the layout, it will be part of the loop through the station area. Since I took the photo I have laid the sleepers and also the first length of rail, hopefully I will have some time over the weekend to finish it off.








How is this point coming on Martyn, photos of it are required. Or the boys will be round.


OzzyO & the boys.

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Hi Paul,


Errr did I say what weekend  :whistle: , I'm afraid life just got in the way. But there has been some progress as in all that's left to do are the switch blades, oh and to make a final decision as to either scratch build my own tie ( stretcher ) bars or use what's on the market.


When I find some time Paul I will send you some scans of what I'm thinking about but I will warn you there are jigs involved  :O .






P.S.  Photos at the weekend, promise......

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Now I know how to  charge a lot of money for my jigs, all I have to do is wear a shirt with big sleeves and a short skirt, and then put my lathe and milling machine on stage add a bit of lighting and some music and I'm on the way to ????????????????????????????  


Tipperary............?  :stinker:

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This template is for the first turnout on the scenic side of the layout, it will be part of the loop through the station area. Since I took the photo I have laid the sleepers and also the first length of rail, hopefully I will have some time over the weekend to finish it off.








Crumbs 3 weeks ago I said I would of completed that turnout, oh well better late than never. All I need to do now is solder on some n/silver feed wires and make up some tie bars. Talking of tie bars I must try and persuade Mr Ozzyo of this parish to create a jig for me, as they are quite time consuming to make without one. :paint: ;) .











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Although, I'm a little curious why the slide chairs appear to be two tone. :scratchhead:


Hi Kev,


Like Steve said they are from the Exactoscale part of the C&L range, well to be honest, and this may come across as over kill. :scratchhead:  For the slide chairs I have actually used 2 different types of slide chairs and cut them roughly in half and then joined the two different parts back together, just to make them look at bit more like the original GWR pattern. Steve would have noticed this on the track work I built for him.


If you look at the top photo you can make out the bolt detail sticking out on the sides of the slide chairs, well this is fine but the slide part of the chair has a two bolt fixing instead of one, hence the butchery to the chairs. I know I'm sad but you would of thought C&L would have produced what must be a quite popular chair out by now.





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Wonderful track building. But don't forget the C chair. smile.gif


Hi Martin,


Thank you for the kind complements, it's always the same, as soon as I post an image I notice I have forgotten something. Now rectified ;) .





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No worries Martyn, I know exactly what you mean! I didn't have "spending the weekend building a computer and recovering all my data off the old one" in my diary...


Not grumbling too much, as I do seem to have sorted it, and I did manage to sort out a decoder problem, to finish the iron mink (again), and following suggestions, darkened the roofs of the K3 and one of the low roof 6w Siphons. Pix to follow on the PD thread, of the stock, not the 'puter!


To recap on where we got to with your layout, the plan is marked up with the necessary feeds & returns, and we have gone over the frog switching for the slips, and the Tortoise switching using split potential.


I think I still need to


A) outline the bus bars that feed the track


B) split these so that you can have the option of DC or DCC on the main loop line whilst leaving the rest of the layout on DCC.


C) provide a wiring diagram for the programming track (inside loop on storage roads)


Is there anything else you think you would need?




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Hi Simon,


Regarding the " to do list "  , do I have to run additional bus bars so that I can run DCC and DC ?


And a wiring diagram for the programming would be a great help.


A bit of a numpty question but do I just solder the diodes straight to the feed wires ( in-line ) or do you put them on a small piece of circuit board ?


All the best,



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Hi Martyn


I imagine that a pair of bus bars for the DC and a pair for the DCC will be the easiest, and the switching will be very simple.


What I think you want is to be able to switch the layout to one of two states: "normal", in which the whole layout is DCC, and "running in" where you have one track right round the layout which Is DC, whilst the rest of the layout is either off, or remains on DCC so your other locos don't wander around as they would if they too were switched to DC. Turning it off is a simple option, maybe I'll do it that way.


It's really only a case of providing feeds for both systems, and then having a switch to connect or disconnect as required.


Regarding the programming track, dead simple, just a DPDT switch and two pairs of track breaks. This assumes you are able to ensure that a loco doesn't ever bridge the track breaks, which seems simple enough to me. Clear markers might be wise. I did see a quite clever arrangement of isolating sections either side of the programming track - we can do that if you want, but I see no real need for the added complexity.


Regarding soldering the diodes into the wires, it's a really bad design technique to put components in line in a wiring harness, and it wouldn't meet automotive design standards at all, but in this case, provided you shrink-wrap the diodes and the solder joints, I'm pretty sure it will be fine. After all it ain't going to get thrashed up and down the M1 or across a ploughed field every day. If you want to put them on a tidy bit of Veroboard, fixed neatly to the inside of your control box, that'll be very nice, possibly more reliable, and definitely easier to fix if it did go wrong. Given that you need to connect lots of things to them, maybe the Vero is a better solution, on reflection, it's where I would go.


If this all makes sense, shout up and I'll do the diagrams as soon as... If it doesn't make sense, shout louder!




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Hi Simon,


Sorry for the late reply, it has been so hectic at work this week with hardly a minute to myself. So I intend to enjoy this weekend, I will be watching the rugby and hopefully spend a few hours on the layout.


Thank you so much for the diagram it will come in very handy, especially for the times when all I can see in front of me is a nest of wiring resembling spaghetti :O


 I need to get the last two baseboards I built level this weekend, then I can make a start by building some plain track for the entrance to the platform area. Well that's if it all goes to plan ( famous last words )  :whistle: .


All the best,



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Ok, checked and updated...


I'm pretty sure this will now work as intended.  There is a complete circuit (including the inside route through the storage yard) which can be DC or DCC, and the rest is permanently DCC


The programming track is the inside route through the yard.


Three switches, "DC / DCC", "Programming  / Normal" and "disconnect the loop to find the problem".


martyns_layout_all feeds 27feb15.pdf




do shout up if any questions / concerns




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