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Introducing LUMSDONIA


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I am an Electrical Engineer with a large house and a departed family, heading toward my twilight years, I am re-invoking my long lost hobbies of electronics and model railways. I built my first layout in the 70’s in a shed in the garden, a 6ft x 4ft effort that started the ball rolling while i was at school. The second incarnation was an end to end affair some 15ft long by 18ins wide in my friends loft. The third was a rehash of the seconds boards in my siblings house. There was then a pause for the fairer sex, marriage and a family. Next came the resurgence in the form of a new layout at my current abode, with some influence that it was for “the little ones”, a 16ft long by 30in wide board was erected. The little ones became big, and I was persuaded to relinquish the spare room for teenager “personal space”. Eventually they wanted “personal space” and moved out! The room once again became the train room and soon a new 10ft 6in by 4ft layout was constructed, on the premise it was for the “little one”, a later addition!

That was 8 years ago!

Work away from home has given me little time to indulge my hobbies at home, but has been a means of giving spare time to buy huge quantities of stock and materials to create a monster layout!


Recent events have allowed me time to design phase 2 and I have started documenting it in my website




Happy to field any questions comments good or bad.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Timbersurf and welcome,


That's quite some railway you are building there. (Quite a nice web site too.)


I know you have some experience in your previous layouts and you are making good progress but I worry, just a bit, about how much maintenance/access you will need to keep it all running.



Anyway, enjoy your stay in RMweb land and don't forget to post piccies here too - we like them.


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SHMD - re:- "maintenance/access", as all experienced layout builders will know, even the most detailed 3D plan, wont actually get built like that! Trial and error during the build will tweak elements that cant be perceived even in the best plans! :scratchhead:
The hill at the top right may well have a lift out/hinged top and I envisage a hole underneath for my head and hands as a chamfer off the board underneath in the corner, the only concern is the up line from storage at the very bottom (behind the viaduct/bridges) as the storage yard will be in the way to access from underneath. Not worried! I am an Industrial Design Engineer! If needs be, I'll build a trapeze harness and channel crane track overhead and fly over the layout! 8)
Steve O - Not getting it, is half the point! I want the viewer (of the top boards) not to understand were the hell all these different trains keep coming from? All action, constant stream of (I'm guessing) about 6 trains running round at a time, but never seem to be the same ones?
Phase 1 = Middle board (Body in white built)
Phase 2 = All boards and track
Phase 3 = Motorising of points on main layout then storage yard points
Phase 4 = Block control automation on layout then block control of storage and eventually auto issuing of trains as a sequence from storage deck

Edited by TimberSurf
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  • 2 years later...

Been a while since last post, a lot has happened . Mostly not good news!

I have abandoned the grand scheme, temporarily. I have come to the conclusion that my retirement plan to build a huge railway, simply wont happen in my current abode. So pointless continuing to build as designed (as in, to fit a particular room). So I do not know what shape the final room will be (in a house we have yet to buy in the not near future) so cannot commit to a fixed design. In aid of selling the house, the railway room has not been decorated for 20 years, bit overdue and needs to be fresh to enable sale. So I ripped up phase 1 and dumped it at the skip (it had a flaw of steep inclines anyway). Completely refurbished and decorated the room (I know have plush carpet to drop solder on!)

Revision 2 of Lumsdonia is theoretically the same, except it will now be re-designed in stages and built in (manageable) disconnect able modules (like an exhibition layout). Thus I have taken the main station and shunting yard as the starter and begun construction of two 6ft 6in x 2ft boards.

Years of research and development can now be deployed, Frame construction is deep and lightweight, underlay is EPDM, Code 100 electrofrog trackwork, bus power with block sections for DCC and block detection, servo motor driven points mounted on home designed pro bracket, control by Megapoints, NCE controller,


Under development:-

Static smoke

PC controlled static lighting

Servo bracket with two microswitches

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  • 3 months later...

Under development:-

Static smoke - done

PC controlled static lighting - done

Servo bracket with two microswitches - done

MP3 player local sound - done

Frame construction, underlay is EPDM, Code 100 electrofrog trackwork, bus power with block sections for DCC and block detection, servo motor driven points mounted on home designed pro bracket, control by Megapoints, - done

Fit led's to 40 buffers - 20 done

Buy and fit Heljan turntable - done

7 track road bridge in Linka - begun

Two 6ft long platform - not started

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  • 10 months later...

10 months have passed and the two boards are more or less finished (see Gallery). I have run out of space, so I am developing some idea's about animation (see Video) and making dioramas that can be placed on the layout once built.

I have also updated the Lumsdonia website and now have a links page and several Tips pages. I have created a program to automate the creation of wagon load tarpaulins, once designed, they can printed as a pdf. I will add a new Shop webpage in the next few weeks were they can be downloaded. You can see the samples here

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  • 2 weeks later...

10 months have passed and the two boards are more or less finished (see Gallery). I have run out of space, so I am developing some idea's about animation (see Video) and making dioramas that can be placed on the layout once built.

I have also updated the Lumsdonia website and now have a links page and several Tips pages. I have created a program to automate the creation of wagon load tarpaulins, once designed, they can printed as a pdf. I will add a new Shop webpage in the next few weeks were they can be downloaded. You can see the samples here

Web page is now live for some sample tarpaulins



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That's quite some railway you are building there. (Quite a nice web site too.)


Anyway, enjoy your stay in RMweb land and don't forget to post piccies here too - we like them.


 Never thanked you about your comment on the website before, but have now and if you revisit, there's even more to read through!

I was loathe to posts pics nearly 3 years ago, as the layout had been ripped up and there was little to photograph, now there is 2ft x 12ft's worth, it seems appropriate to post. Larger set are on my site gallery, but here are a few:-













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  • 1 month later...
There is now a snazzy new picture slide on the Lumsdonia front page, with some never before seen piccies to wet your appetite!

Have I not mentioned my YouTube channel until now? I have recently added an intro vid, hopefully displaying my humorous side and dont skip the credits if you hate missing out on all the treats! :D

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Not sure how to progress on the forum?

Should I start a thread in "Layouts"? or can mods move this out of "New members"?


Also noticed there is a "website" category, would it be OK to start a new thread on there, to plug my website Lumsdonia? (I don't sell anything)

I am not sure how many "New modellers" use this forum, but my website was originally for my musings, but has rapidly progressed into a repository of reference data and useful stuff for beginners and old hands alike! 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Finally got round to writing up all the data on coach lighting. When I finally get round to making my own (DCC anti-flicker with LDR), I will document the process, release the circuit and maybe make a video. I have a few more experimentations to do to the final circuit, before I start the mass conversion of my stock!

New webpage in guides called Coach lighting

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  • 2 weeks later...

I now have a tips section 700 of Scratch building, on my website. 
Having got my head around the Arduino language and written a fairly sophisticated program for a 4 barrier level crossing, I was so pleased with my attempt at programming, that I thought I would share the functionality as a video in the form of a simulator on my PC.
The actual barrier is well under way in construction and will soon debut as video in the near future.
Don't forget to give me some feedback and any tips or nuggets of inspiration are always well received and may well make it onto the Lumsdonia website.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

I read it, but I think you were right earlier - definitely post in the layout thread.

Good stuff by the way.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Layout has taken a slight backseat, while I do two projects as a competition (it's justs a bit of fun, mostly a good spur on to get something finished) on another forum. I have chosen to make two special load wagons. Totally freelance scratch build, Lumsdonia style (no prototype to follow). Project 1 is still in pieces, so will show later, Project 2 is nearly complete except for the load, it's loosely based on a schnabel principle, as the load forms the middle connecting section.




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  • 1 month later...

Project 1 was built without much thought and as a consequence ended up way too tall! I had the pipes sticking up (so I have now rotated the load so they point down) and it had tall support structures on top of the bogie beds (so I hacked it up and remade them {shorter}.


My skitt with project 1 has now been re-assembled with lower brackets. I guess it looks slightly better, but is still 3mm too tall for my bridge! lol









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  • 4 months later...
I was watching a video on youtube of a really great layout , when it twigged it was a live broadcast. Being Saturday, it then twigged that it was not far from me and open on Sunday too!

So I went!

Even better in person, so here is my video, but YOU are too late to go!  :nono:


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