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Last weekend I had the pleasure of exhibiting Salmon Pastures at the most enjoyable Tonbridge show.

During the weekend apart from enduring both the Kent Monsoons and the Valentine's Day Tempest I got trapped in the hotel bar by non other than Alan "Westerner" Davies.

Despite supporting Wales and an obsession with anything Swinedon Alan and myself do enjoy making a public exhibition of ourselves and after just a couple of cooling libations he put up a very convincing argument about why I should forget my own Salmon Pastures Blog and flaunt my wares on the RMweb.  

If for no other reason than to keep the old buffer happy, as I will certainly need his assistance in the future at our next exhibition, then I offer a couple of pics of the layout taken by the man himself last Autumn.

I seem to remember he posted some shots of Salmon Pastures on "the old RMweb" in about 2009 which generated some comment, at that time I was living in Huddersfield and he was still in Norfolk but things are a lot easier now as I visit & create havoc on Wencombe one week and he returns the compliment the next week on the pastures!!!!!

You'd better be right Mr D or "zer vill be reprizals"


SAD and Salmon Pastures 

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During the weekend apart from enduring ... the Valentine's Day Tempest

Yup, those Tonbridge lasses can get a bit wild ;)


Well done for entertaining our toddler for a good 20 minutes! He was thoroughly enthralled by your layout. It helped there always seemed to be something moving.

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Yup, those Tonbridge lasses can get a bit wild ;)


Well done for entertaining our toddler for a good 20 minutes! He was thoroughly enthralled by your layout. It helped there always seemed to be something moving.

Thanks for that Jack,,,, your comments are very timely as there is ongoing discussions on other webs about the importance of movement,,, or not.

At the pastures we are definitely in the camp which says "as folk have paid to get in they ought to be entertained by movement,,, or they just might as well buy a magazine and look at the pictures"


I'm pleased we managed to entertain your future modeller,,, for us that is quite important,,, I just hope it was the railway and not the tram!!!

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Thanks for that Jack,,,, your comments are very timely as there is ongoing discussions on other webs about the importance of movement,,, or not.

At the pastures we are definitely in the camp which says "as folk have paid to get in they ought to be entertained by movement,,, or they just might as well buy a magazine and look at the pictures"

Er, yes. I didn't want to post a rant in the Tonbridge thread as it isn't just their show by any means, but having a 2 year old in tow I have noticed an increasing number of layouts with not-a-lot happening for long periods of time ...


I'm pleased we managed to entertain your future modeller,,, for us that is quite important,,, I just hope it was the railway and not the tram!!!

It was definitly the locos. Although I think he would have plucked up the courage to ask for 'Toby' if we'd had more time!! He was absolutely fascinated by the turntable as well.

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At long last SAD. About time too.


Yes a very good if a somewhat tiring weekend at Tonbridge.


Hope to see you posting the happenings at the Pastures and the goings on in the shed more often.

The tirings could have been worse,,, we could have driven back same day!!!!

Have investigated the shed isolator and as discussed it is down to me,,,, surprise surprise

I now remember why we slide the layout into the back of the van on a blanket,,, it saves wires getting snagged,,,, or it would if we did it!!!!

Doh my brain hurts,,, still no real harm done,,, and there is usually something going on in the shed!!!! oh and the  garage door is now fully operational!!!!!

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We saw this layout last year, at Barrow Hill I think, and it was good to see even under the challenging conditions.

I Posted some photos somewhere but cant find them, so i will see if I can find the originals.

Particularly liked the use of the Wills archways which with modification have been inspirational for our own home based layout.


Look forward to more postings



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We saw this layout last year, at Barrow Hill I think, and it was good to see even under the challenging conditions.


Look forward to more postings




Many thanks for the positive comments, & I would be delighted to see some different photo's of the layout.

We remember "the challenging conditions" of Barrow Hill very well,,, the first time I have ever had blisters from cleaning track!!!!

But,,, we still enjoyed ourselves,,, for sure it could have run smoother but there is a price to pay for being

positioned a few yards from live steam and diesels and it was a privilege to be only 20 yards from the real Mallard!!!

The atmosphere was amazing and we really felt at home amongst all the grime!!!


SAD :sad_mini:

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I decided some time ago that I needed to build a more fitting entrance for the workers to enter the shed.

And then browsing through a book on LNER country stations one day I found a drawing for a Great Central weighing office.

So I thought to myself if I doubled the weighing office length and gave them a central passage to enter the works,,,, it would do nicely & also keep the local band of railway enthusiasts out,,, and this is well before H&S had been invented.


One of the joys of modelling,,, you really can do what you like,,, within reason.


In my discussions with Westerner he advised that people really do like to know how he does things SO,,,, here we go.


I offer a couple of images of the layout and the proposed site for the new entrance,, it will go where the Ratio grounded coach has been for far too long,,, that was put there in haste to fill a hole before our first exhibition in 2005,,, and after siting it and doing a few exhibitions it dawned on me that just about every other 4mm layout has the same archetypal scene on their layout as well,,, and mine was CENTRE stage.


I have already done a mock up of the building in foam board,,, which wasn't a staggering success as the walls appeared to bow in just about every dimension,,, so the real thing will be built in Plastikard and I will offer progress posts of how we go.  




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Thanks for that "westerner",,, that picture was taken some time ago as the prams and Mr Murdoch are not in evidence!!


Talking of buildings I copy a pretty poor picture of the foamboard mock up of the new entrance,,, which will hopefully give an idea of what I'm trying to achieve.

Am hoping to get cracking on it this weekend,,, although I haven't got planning permission for that yet!!!!

Pleased to also announce that the layout is up-running-snag free after a good session this afternoon.


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SAD keep us posted on the new building meanwhile a more up to date pic of the Steel works.

I will I will,,, honest!!

I am pleased to announce that I have spent most of this morning keeping the cat company in't shed whilst "plastikarding" the new entrance building!!!!

Progress so far not really worth taking pics of,,,, [[pencil markings on virgin white sheeting perhaps essential for MRJ but really not my scene!!!]] 

but we should soon be able to pictographically record some mediocre progress,,,, [i hope!!,,, it really was a lot easier when I was posting to please myself!!!d!]



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I like what I see of your layout and it does remind me of the grubby, industrial East End Don Valley side of Sheffield, especially seeing the steelworks as there is (or were) lots of them in that area before the majority of them got closed and turned into Shopping Centres (Meadowhell lol!) and indoor sports arenas. Plus you don't see many layouts based in the Sheffield area.



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I like what I see of your layout and it does remind me of the grubby, industrial East End Don Valley side of Sheffield, especially seeing the steelworks as there is (or were) lots of them in that area before the majority of them got closed and turned into Shopping Centres (Meadowhell lol!) and indoor sports arenas. Plus you don't see many layouts based in the Sheffield area.



Many thanks for the comments Sam,

As fish have now returned to the Don that is a pretty good sign of what has happened to the steelworks,,,, most of them were flat packed off to China or India,,,, as a trainspotting kid such filth and industry is just about all I ever saw,, although we did occasionally go to relatives in Nottingham and I distinctly remember fields and lots of green bits and singing birds!!! If you want any more detail then the early pages of the blog explain the why where etc etc.


I will be posting progress reports as we go along and again many thanks for the response.



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Was making great progress in't shed this evening until it dawned on me I was losing feeling in my fingers,,,, time to stop and retire to the kitchen and warm up a bit,, by the time that had taken place I decided it was'nt worth going back up there and getting cold again so decided I'd post a couple of progress pics of the new entrance building.


It already looks better than the foam board effort,,, at least I now know which is my preferred option.


SAD :sadclear:

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Another productive morning on the replacement entrance building.

Chimneys and window sills now attached,,,, all I have to do now is the windows and doors,,,, and a quick lick of paint!!!

Good Oh!!!


SAD :sadclear:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

How's the building going SAD. Any new photos? or do you want me to bring my camera round on Tuesday?

That would be useful,,, and they are sure to be better than my efforts posted this morning.

If I could just add that the building is progressing slowly,,, took a back seat to sorting out a clunk on the D9,,,, and we will be at the Norwich exhibition on 12th of April,,, cripes that's next Saturday,,,and the Chatham exhibition in June.

Come along and say hello.


SAD :sadclear:

Not a good idea taking a photo of a brick building against a backdrop of a brick building but you will probably get the idea of progress to date!!! 


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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for the delay in:

a, finishing this off.

b, posting any progress,,, which I have to admit has been painfully slow!!!!

We've been very busy!!!


Anyway apart from siting and a couple of door knobs, leading round the chimneys and dulling down some of the brickwork we are just about there.

Why not come along and join in the fun at Chatham exhibition next month,,, if you do make it please make yourself known and join in the fun. post-3458-0-20809900-1400318541.jpgpost-3458-0-77572300-1400318611.jpg


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  • 5 months later...

Apologies for the delay in:

a, finishing this off.

b, posting any progress,,, which I have to admit has been painfully slow!!!!

We've been very busy!!!


Anyway apart from siting and a couple of door knobs, leading round the chimneys and dulling down some of the brickwork we are just about there.

Why not come along and join in the fun at Chatham exhibition next month,,, if you do make it please make yourself known and join in the fun.

Was gently reminded by the Picturesque Westerner the other evening that progress reports from the Pastures had all but dissappeared,,,,

Oh yee of little faith Mr D!!!

Anyway further to the last pics of the new entrance which is now complete but not yet in place I thought I had better offer some pictorial evidence of what I had actually been up to,,,, 


The council developers have been decidedly busy on "Fiddle Hill"  and considerable progress has been made on hiding the yard.



There is a couple of shots of the start of 28 dwellings being built for the local residents,,,, and if your wondering what this collection of bits post-3458-0-27297700-1414942281.jpg is all about well I have actually started building a Robinson/GCR Zeppelin/Crab.

I do have a thing about BIG & UGLY and they don't come any better than this


Is that better Mr D ???? [ I keep telling him I prefer modelling to blogging but it dosen't seem to make much difference]


SAD :sadclear:


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