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The "cottage Industry" continues apace,,,

I'll be glad when they're finshed!!!

Apologies for the roofing,,, probably due to the flash working at a different frequency to the tiler,,,, or something,,, but not a problem with those in the 3rd shot

I'd better crack on as my organiser tells me I have just 20 weeks to Trainwest Melksham!!!! yikes.





Edited by salmonpastures
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The houses are progressing well. Do you want me to come round on Tues and take a few more pics?

Hi Alan,

That would be very useful as I have had quite a good weekend churning out the other side of the street and by Tuesday evening some assistance siting some of this little lot would be very useful.

I have got the the groundworks in place it is more a case of what goes where,,,, as usual.




SAD  :sadclear:

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A couple of pics taken on Tues. when Wencombe visited Salmon Pastures.


attachicon.gifCompound and D. F1jpg.jpg


attachicon.gifD F2.jpg

Thanks to Westerner and his box brownie for yet another couple of excellent pics,,, the D9 is on shed to have it's handrails fitted and lining applied!!!! [and he might be there some time allowing for how much we have to do on Fiddle Hill] and after Toosday there is no denying we will be modelling with our flangeless woolie hats and arctic T shirts this year,,, Oh joy of joy's.


I've been distracted for the last couple of nights as I've found the Templot site,,, clever stuff is Templot,,, I just hope I live long enough to master how I replace some of my 20 year old hideous pointwork in the fiddle yard,,, still it keeps me off the streets, and gainfully employed,,, and away from the lawnmower!!!


SAD :sadclear:

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great pics more of the D9 please it looks great.

Many thanks for the post Richard,,, I have promised the D9 I won't post any more pics of it until it's finished,,,as it has been featuring quite a lot lately and I really am the worlds worst at finishing things off,,, but if you want to see a bit more of it then there is:

a, the Flickr album on the Salmon Pastures blog site,,


b, I don't know if you visit the LNER Encyclopedia forum but I covered quite a lot of the building of it in pictures on that site.


Am currently building a Robinson L1 2-6-4t but that has taken a back seat as I need to get these bloomin terraced houses finished before the next exhibition.


Again many thanks for your post,, much appreciated and good look going "Forward" with your London Extension.


SAD :sadclear:

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  • 2 months later...

Just to let everyone know what progress is being made,, I attach the latest pics,, progress is being made with the start of mounting of the new entrance building,,, it needs final settling into position but we are a lot closer than my last post [which was November!!!]

The disused sleeper fencing is also appearing but again needs a lot of settling & finishing.

Also attach a bit of colour to brighten up a winter afternoon,,, both recent festive arrivals [courtesy of Santa] a Director in apple green,,, and eye eye it's Nelson the Jubilee in maroon,,, both should be run in by the time we hit Trainwest Melksham in April.


Anybody know why the lining and from an earlier post the tiling on the terraced houses go's haywire with digital pics???

I am to digipics what Herod was to babysitting but the D11 lining looks much better in the flesh.


Will post further progress pics as get closer to Trainwest.


SAD :sadclear:  





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  • 2 weeks later...


That's not any old elephant Alan that's Lizzie Ward,,, she's the one without the flat cap!!!

For anyone interested in LNER elephants and the justification thereof can I suggest you look at the full write up on the Salmon Pastures Blog.

But be warned it is not for the squeemish!!!

If you'd like to meet her in person then she will be at Trainwest Melksham in April, and we will get her serviced before we arrive.


Bloomin typical,,, we have one of JG Robinsons finest in a wonderful livery and the popular interest is either the tram or bloomin elephant!!


SAD :sadclear:


PS,, thanks for the pics Alan,,,,again.

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Preiser have African/Zoo Elephants in N, HO and larger.  There is 2 in the pack and the product no: is 663-20375

Now where might I be able to fit one with a cart in somewhere on my LNER layout?


Mark in OZ

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now where do i source an elephant from. Also explains why the GC had Elephant wagons.

I wasn't aware that Preiser did them but I got mine from a Wargaming supplier,,,,they have quite a range,, armoured,,, charging etc even the one with the cricket paviilion strapped to it's back so the harem can get into the action.

Am at work at the moment and can't remember the manufacturer but will advise later.

SAD :sadclear:

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now where do i source an elephant from. Also explains why the GC had Elephant wagons.

Richard, Markeg,

I got mine from Essex Miniatures see:




I used the 15mm range found in the "ancients" section,,they also do a 28mm range & I guess that would be great if you wanted an O gauge LNER elephant.

They are white metal and need painting and trimming from the 6 ton's of footprint earth that they come with.

Although to be careful/pedantic she was employed by T.W.Wards and not by the railway which at the time of WW1 would probably have been either the G.C.R or Midland.

But as it's my railway I have owners rights for a bit of approved timewarping on the dates!! 

She came with a pikeman and driver,,, both of whom have now taken up alternative employment in the area,,, working at the local telephone exchange and handling all the trunk calls!!!


Thanks for the interest,,, what a daft hobby this can be at times!!


SAD :sadclear: 

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  • 1 month later...



A quick update as we plough on regardless for Trainwest.

Building umpteen dwellings on Fiddle Hill has created several "what the heck do I do with that space" scenario's,,, the above pic is one solution.


It's a sorry tale with the Daimler,,, the driver/humper was sure it was a stone in the tyre and it turned out to be serious problems with the clutch!!!

Mind you I thoroughly enjoyed detailing the original model for the engine out mode,,,,and it beats me how our friends in China can produce something as nice as this for under a £5.


Looking forward to meeting any RMwebbers who make it to Melksham.


SAD :sadclear:

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thought you might be interested to know theres a signal box named after you in berlin:-)


Thanks for that Kevin,,

I have received lots of photo's of me being a bus in the old Yugoslavia but this is the first time I have received a photo of me being a signal box.

Very appropriate as well,,, large,, imposing,, well past it's best and cordoned off!!

Perhaps the name is all about the condition not the position,,,who knows


SAD :sadclear:

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  • 2 weeks later...



Well we are almost there,,, apart from the drive from North Norfolk to Melksham.

So as not to upset "the westerner" I thought I had better prove that the new entrance is now in place,,,


As you can see we have just had a shower down on the pastures,,, nothing whatsoever to do with the last coat of paint being slightly moist!!!!

All I need to do tomorrow is pack everything up,,, and after looking at the latest photo I reckon I should have time to add a few weeds to the bottom of that new fence,,, it looks decidedly bare as it is.


Why not come and join in the official opening,,, we are having it at Trainwest 2015 at Melksham this weekend.

What a coincidence,, if you make it please say hello.


SAD :sadclear: and everyone at Salmon Pastures.

PS: We are directed by Mr Geoff of Trainwest fame that we all have to bring our own mugs!!!! 

We never go anywhere without them!!!



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Going back to that elephant, Lizzie, she's commemorated at the "Centenary Riverside Nature Park", recently opened bit of ex-waste ground, previously factory, in Rotherham, near the entrance to Booths scrapyard:





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Going back to that elephant, Lizzie, she's commemorated at the "Centenary Riverside Nature Park", recently opened bit of ex-waste ground, previously factory, in Rotherham, near the entrance to Booths scrapyard:



Many thanks for that EWDivide,,, I knew Lizzie was a bit of a legend in South Yorks but I had not heard of her knocking over a traction engine,,,, give me time,,, I can work on that!!!


A typical Salmon Pastures load of nonsense,,, when I take the layout to exhibitions most people want to talk about the tram, [and we know nothing about trams,,, and it shows] and now I can see Lizzie sharing the highlights with the tram.


Just for the record Lizzie and the tram support the railway which is actually my main interest,,, oh and by the way,,, if you do make Trainwest Melksham this weekend you may well spot the "The New Tram",,,, which "should" be ready,,, and yes it's a Super Tram ,, particularly when compared with the one it is replacing!!!


Again EW D many thanks for the post and interest.


SAD :sadclear:

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Perhaps when we are set up I can take a few pix of the new entrance, perhaps at the opening ceremony, when I hope it will have stopped raining and it will be dry. I'm also looking forward to snapping the new completed street and its "supertram".

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Perhaps when we are set up I can take a few pix of the new entrance, perhaps at the opening ceremony, when I hope it will have stopped raining and it will be dry. I'm also looking forward to snapping the new completed street and its "supertram".

You certainly can sir,,,, bring lots of bytes with you as there are all sorts of new bits which need recording.


SAD :sadclear:

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