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Fleischmann points, uncouplers and computer control


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Hello there, everyone!

I'm currently a Computer Science student at university, and have somehow managed to get myself into a position where my honours project involves building a model railway. Don't worry, that's not all I have to do - more details of the project below for the more computer-y reader.

In effect, my question is simple: I am planning on using Fleischmann HO Profi-Track points and uncouplers (combined with other plain track), which will need to be controlled by a specially-designed circuit board which plugs into a computer. However, I've been scouring the internet and can't seem to find any details of what power supply the Fleischmann point motors and uncoupler motors require.


I've been able to determine that the point motors are solenoid type, with built-in cut-off, but that's about it. What I really need is voltage and current ratings. Does anyone out there know those? All the wiring diagrams I can find simply show "Power supply" with no reference to what that supply is!


Many thanks in advance!






Here follows the boring bit - my honours project consists of three main parts: 1) a computer vision system to detect, identify and locate wagons in a model railway yard, 2) an artificial intelligence system to calculate the most efficient way of shunting these wagons to obtain the desired rake, and 3) a plug-in hardware module to allow the computer program to change points, operate electric uncouplers, and drive a locomotive in order to perform the shunting.



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Personaly I would ditch the solenoid's and go with servo's, still noisy but less so. What protocol are you going to use between the board and the PC? RS232 or USB?. Are you using matlab for the recognition system? If so consider using GPIB for the protocol interface, Isolate your ground planes well if you go the solenoid/RS232 route. Make sure you use enough flltering to quench the spikes and dont be tempted to just use Diodes, one other tip when using solenoids make sure if you use flyback diodes you use fast Schotkey type and not just straight 1N4xxx small signal Diodes.

If I can be any help with your design let me know.



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Personaly I would ditch the solenoid's and go with servo's, still noisy but less so. What protocol are you going to use between the board and the PC? RS232 or USB?. Are you using matlab for the recognition system? If so consider using GPIB for the protocol interface, Isolate your ground planes well if you go the solenoid/RS232 route. Make sure you use enough flltering to quench the spikes and dont be tempted to just use Diodes, one other tip when using solenoids make sure if you use flyback diodes you use fast Schotkey type and not just straight 1N4xxx small signal Diodes.

If I can be any help with your design let me know.




Thanks all for the advice. I considered using servo motors, but found that the board I will be using to build this "layout" on has to be returned pristine - I can't cut or drill holes in it, and would like all the motors etc. as flush with the board as possible. That, and the cheapest pair of sets of points I managed to procure on eBay already come pre-fitted with motors, so it would seem a waste not to use them! I'll probably operate them using DC, as it'll be easier to procure from our bench power supplies, and will allow the use of capacitor discharge if necessary.


I've not yet decided on a protocol - I have a little experience with using RS-232, but none at all with control over USB. When it comes to the board, though, I'm intending to isolate the point motor and loco control electrics as far as possible from the control electronics, given, as you mention, the voltage spikes from the solenoids, and also noise from the loco motor. 


It is looking, horrifyingly, as though Matlab will be the way to go for vision recognition - again, I have a bit of experience with it and it seems to handle vision fairly well... (fingers crossed). 



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If your going to use matlab for recognition then use RS232 with it as well, I would sugest a cheap RS232 to usb cable converter, this is simply a cable with a built in chip that will give you a pseduo serial com port, matlab will work fine with it. If you get stuck with code give me a shout, a tip with matlab vision use a dab of tipex to make a small white spot, then get matlab to track the spot. If you decide to get brave let me know as I have written a vision application stack, it was used for tracking and counting insects on flowers via a webcam. It could be modified depending on how good your C programming is. I will one day re do it in C# :D

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