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Available characters

Richard T

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I'd like to use some special characters but not all appear to be permitted—or if they are in the editor, they're not in the later display of the post.
half: ½ 
quarter: ¼ 
eighth: ⅛ 
seven eighths: ⅞
inch: ″ 
foot: ′ 
times: × 
degree: ˚
open single quote: ‘
close single quote: ’
open double quote: “
close double quote: ”
mid-point: · 
promille: ‰
minus: − 
All the above look ok in the editor in the default font.

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I'd like to use some special characters but not all appear to be permitted—or if they are in the editor, they're not in the later display of the post.




half: ½ 

quarter: ¼ 

eighth: ⅛ 

seven eighths: ⅞

inch: ″ 

foot: ′ 

times: × 

degree: ˚

open single quote: ‘

close single quote: ’

open double quote: “

close double quote: ”

mid-point: · 

promille: ‰

minus: − 


All the above look ok in the editor in the default font.



WYSINWYG: no eighths, inches, feet, degrees or minus sign in the display—although they are OK in the quotation block as viewed in the editor.



WYSINWYG: no eighths, inches, feet, degrees or minus sign in the display—although they are OK in the quotation block as viewed in the editor.

...and the quote reinstates them in the display!

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We need a 180° turn in policy?


Are you sure that was a proper degree sign? As opposed to the very similar masculine ordinal indicator: 2º .


Odd, they both work for me, but typed in via a keyboard shortcut for the degree and via a character picker for the ordinal.


(Edited multiple times to add information)

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Hmmm, interesting!


I used a shortcut to insert Unicode U+00B0 to achieve °, which is what I have always used for a degree sign... the masculine ordinal º is U+00BA.


Looks OK in editor so far...

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So now I am confused! Not sure why it didn't work in my original post.


...and when I now scroll back up the thread then I see that even in my quote, the “problematic” special characters have turned into question marks... (I've been browsing elsewhere in the meantime).

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I'd like to use some special characters but not all appear to be permitted—or if they are in the editor, they're not in the later display of the post.




half: ½ 

quarter: ¼ 

eighth: ⅛ 

seven eighths: ⅞

inch: ″ 

foot: ′ 

times: × 

degree: ˚

open single quote: ‘

close single quote: ’

open double quote: “

close double quote: ”

mid-point: · 

promille: ‰

minus: − 


All the above look ok in the editor in the default font.


The pot thickens: I pressed "Reply quoting this post" on my original post at the top of the thread, and in the editor at least, all is well with the special characters within the quoted block. Now let's see in the display...

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Aha, just restarted my browser and now all of the special characters in my quoted block have reverted to question marks—but the degree signs in the posts from eastwestdivide and from me are retained.




Could it be a "return" character immediately following the special character?


So let's try this: ⅞ of the beer was gone. ″ is for inch and ′ is for foot.

This time they are retained, in same browser session.

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In your original post, only the following display as a question mark:

eighth, seven eighths, inch, foot, degree, minus


And in post 8, seven eighths and inch and foot are now OK, with inch and foot slightly sloping to the right.


Above this line is a degree with a return immediately after.

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...and upon restarting the browser the special characters from my last post have reverted to question marks, but the ˚ and º have remained further up.




Back later, maybe that will help!?

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In your original post, only the following display as a question mark:
eighth, seven eighths, inch, foot, degree, minus


That's correct: thank you for the confirmation! And sorry if this seems nerdy, I was "talking to myself" really, trying to understand the behaviour of the website. I model in ⅞"n2 (that's 7/8"n2 if I override the auto-substitutions of my Mac) scale and keep tripping over this editor.

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And coming back to this thread, same browser session, only a few mins later, your post 8 has now gone wrong, with question marks. All I did was go to the front page then click this thread again...

Same as I experienced then: however the degree and ordinals seem to be retained in some posts but not others!

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Beats me. Something similar happened way back on a different version of the software, and it ended up messing up everything that wasn't 7-bit ASCII, which had previously worked just fine.

Have some umlauts for further testing: ä, ö, ü.

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