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Help in identifying an 0-6-0 locomotive


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I was just thinking very short wheel base and high(ish) running plate with no splashers, if it has been converted there looks like a new step down of the running plate and a new cab, also if it is a conversion I wonder what type of tender its with

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Yup, definitely an Austerity (or was)- to be pedantic it was never a J94... While I'm not usually particularly enthusiastic about such conversions, I have to say it's a very nicely proportioned machine- it would benefit from a more typical dome but other than that it doesn't look nearly as awkward as I'd expected.

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Yup, definitely an Austerity (or was)- to be pedantic it was never a J94... While I'm not usually particularly enthusiastic about such conversions, I have to say it's a very nicely proportioned machine- it would benefit from a more typical dome but other than that it doesn't look nearly as awkward as I'd expected.

yes your right it dosnt look to bad, I agree about the dome it's just a bit to flat topped and its a shame the running plate couldnt be brought down to the level of the bit by the cab then you could have had some splashers and even maybe some above running plate sandboxs then it would have had a classis 1890 -1900 Victorian 0-6-0 look. Still as you say its not unpleasing to the eye, any one know what the tender is?

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