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Ian Kirk wagon kits

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Well, Ian, I can safely say your earlier efforts (well, this one at least) are very much still going strong! The main body of the wagon went together well after clean-up, and I'm working on the frames and brake rigging tonight before I fly up to Kirkwall tomorrow! (work related).


Interesting bit of history there, and 55p sounds like a bargain to me! The plastic is still very fettleable by the way, no crumbling - I had to flatten out a wagon side, but a hot windowsill and some heavy books (Hocking's Dictionary of Disasters at Sea 1812-1962 Volumes 1 & 2) did wonders. 


Was going to use Peco bearings and three-hole Peco wheels, plus replacement buffers. Sound good?


Thank you Talltim for the link there - I had actually been googling the thing to try and see how it all went together but had been a bit baffled - that angle though captures it very well! Although it's a wee bit pristine eh?


Watch this space... very much enjoying this build! It's currently side by side with the Triang horsebox I'm refurbishing from a wreck! But that's another story...and shall be told another time!!



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I have just completed two Kirk wagons, a North British Box Van XX02 and a North British 4-Plank Open Wagon XX04, obtained many years ago. These were in perfect condition and very easy to build. They are fitted with Peco couplings and the van has been fitted with a brass roof instead of plastic. The prices of the original kits including Kean-Maygib wheels were £3.00 for the van and £2.75 for the wagon.


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Hi All,

I was speaking on the telephone to Colin Ashby this afternoon and it seems that he still has the tooling for some of my later wagon kits.  I had forgotten that after my short partnership with Richard Hollingworth, which when we split up resulted in Richard having the original wagon range to start Panther plastics/ Parkside, I produced a few new wagon kits to keep me going until I became able to concentrate on coach kits. These were eventually sold on to Colin and include the GWR ballast wagon mentioned in this thread. Colin, who like me is semi retired, tells me that he occaisionally runs off small batches of these still and sells them at the few exhibitions he attends. They still apparently sell despite their age but with some priced as low as £2.80 that is perhaps not surprising.  IIRC this range includes the GW ballast, Felix Pole Mineral, Mink C, Fish van, China clay and 5 plank open. LMS tube wagon and double bolster. LNER loco coal  Boplate B and a SR open. I am going to get one of each and build them as for some reason I don't have them in my collection.

Colin also has the tools for the NBR wagons which are more difficult to produce but he does make some from time to time. They cost a bit more than the others but nothing like what they sometimes go for on e bay.

Wonderful thing nostalgia this thread has reminded me that I was quite young then!


best wishes,



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While I know this thread hasn't had a reply since June 2014, I felt it appropriate to show you all something that a very talented friend of mine did this year.


Last year I happened to come across and won one of the rare North British 8T 'Jubilee' Vans that is mentioned on Post 27. For a while the van sat in a box along with several wagons awaiting refurbishment work. Then this year, I decided it was in need of an overhaul and was sent down South. Prior to the Warley Show, I was sent a photo of the van completed in LNER Grey livery numbered as 723449. Along with this comes the lettering 'RETURN TO SINGER' which I hope you'll agree certainly stands out on this wagon.




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Funny you shouId reactivate this thread at this time. as I have had a good two dozen Kirk kits pass through my hands in that time.


Most I have moved on but have retained some for future use.


Wonder if CoIin's up for producing some more wagons? I'm sure that most if not everyone may be spoken for!!

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723449 has returned home today along with several others that were receiving work. I am very impressed with the end result. It literally looks as if it's been pulled out of the book in my opinion. Looking forward to putting this into it's first goods soon...!! :)

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